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  1. T

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire PA- Wow I nearly fell off my chair when I read your 'Mac/ Lindsey affair' ... and its subsequent consequences. wouldn't that be something. One things for sure, if they did that, the show would be renamed "CSI: the soap...
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    ^ I gotta say I completely agree with that 100%. As much as I think they would make a great pair, with TPTB's track record, it could turn disasterous for NY. And also the fact that there's already a heap of DL at the moment, NY could totally turn into CSI: Cheese TV... And anyway, their...
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Hey guys hope you remember me lol. good to be back. anyhoo- As much as I am excited over all of this, if it does turn out to be who we expect, I'm slightly worried that TPTB or the writers will turn NY into some 'Days of our lives' style crime show. And with the DL mess on their track record, I...
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    What would you like to see in the season 6 finale?

    My first post in a couple of months- but anyway, this thread got me thinking. From reading a number of the posts above, I gathered we like continuity, lots of action, perhaps a less mac-centered story, no kidnappings, no cliches and no love interest/ cheesy fan-fic endings. Also I think a nice...
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    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    ^ Yeah, I can find sources on the internet usually..but it's so much better watching the episodes in HD. But then, I refuse to wait for another 6+ months before they decide to air new NY episodes. I think the last episode they aired was Dead Inside back in July or something like that. So...
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    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Thanks for remembering me Lori :D. I could have fallen down the 'black hole of continuity. Maybe if I did, I could rescue Reed, Sam, and all those other things :lol: Nearly finished the essay lol... actually I think I'm running out of stuff to bullsh*t about :lol:. I'm in Australia btw. Only...
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    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    HI FAMILY- Long time no see..../ post... It'll be a miracle if anyone remembers me :lol: Anyway, it's 2AM here and I have an 2500 word essay due tomorrow so I'm trying to stay awake so I can finish it...:shifty: To Mac/Stella discussion --> Wow. sounds like so much Smacked development, or...
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    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Just random trivia- Was watching old NCIS episodes on dvd the other day. Did anyone notice that the actress who plays Kelly Gibbs also plays 'young Stella' in CSI: NY (in the episodes Cold Reveal and Grounds for Deception)? Here's her IMDB link:
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Hey Family- long time no see (or talk..) Happy late birthday to Macslady!!! And yay for Melina! Quick question: has anyone seen the new movie "The Proposal"??? Here's the imdb link: Man I would kill to have Mac and Stella in that situation...
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    WOW. 5x24 was AMAZING. :eek: Thank you Melina, you were wonderful. WE LOVE YOU! Gary and Melina have such brilliant chemistry and despite what the guys over at the poll for this episode have said- I thought it was great. There were some annoying bits- DL baby BS :rolleyes: and I thought the...
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    OMFG :eek: ...(and I havent even watched it yet) Dropped by to say thanks everyone for the summaries and caps! I will be watching 5x24 and hopefully 5x25 soon!!! I'm so excited! Smacked meter: EFFING HOT :devil: I'd better go soon- I'll post more after I've seen the eppy. Take care family...
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Jenn- haha I think you're right (well apart from last weeks episode). It feels like a lifetime though- 5 months without CSI NY :brickwall:. I'm so glad its finally returned. Asprine- My gosh, you captured the best moment- I'll put this in a spoiler just in case:
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    I was just on the spoiler thread and someone posted this link Its the exact same clip that CBS released, but people outside of the States can watch it :hugegrin::hugegrin::hugegrin:. Some serious heat between Mac and Stella!!! (and I also see she's...
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    OMG we're getting so close!!! I'm taking a day off school today because I'm sick. (but I should be fine for the biggest episode ever!!!) Debbie--> Damn you Australia...I can't watch it. :brickwall: Guess we'll have to wait... Jenn--> Sunday's episode was great, but nothing too Smacked...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go, Part 4

    Hi everyone- I've never like Lindsay that much, but Season 5 has really gotten to my nerves with all of the DL baby drama...:scream:. But what she said to Adam at the start of the episode really ticked me (because NOBODY can say that to Adam :mad:) which led me to this thread... Question: If...
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Hey everyone- hope all is well OMG baby!!!! Mac and Stella would make the best parents. (TPTB, are you getting this???) They looked amazing in those photos. Jenn-> OMG (again), NY is back on...TONIGHT, 9:30!! finally...I think it's sex,lies and silicone if I'm not mistaken. Also, there are old...
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    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 Hey family! Gotta go in 2 secs but... Congrats on making 16!!! Debbie--> Hell yeah- Sweet 16! lol Jenn--> HEY!! How was your trip??? We missed you heaps here. Glad you're back :). BTW- you havent missed any new episodes here...Channel 9 still haven't broadcasted them...
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    Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Hey Family- haven't been here for a while and the family has grown so much!!! Hope everyone's been well. Welcome Mynerva and Steeldust. I'm Tee, from Australia- where there's been a drought of season 5 CSI:NY episodes lately...:rolleyes: My 3 fav Smacked moments? wow thisis very hard... The...
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    CSI: NY--'The Past, Present And Murder'

    I wonder why TPTB have moulded Mac more like Horatio than Grissom nowadays. I thought in the earlier seasons, Mac's character/ personality was much more like Grissom's and it worked so much better in my opinion. After this episode, Mac might as well dye his bright red and keep sunnies on him...
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    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    Just a thought- instead of posting caps and guessing what episode its from, can we open one of those threads where someone posts a cap and everyone else writes a caption for it and the one with the best caption posts the next cap? Because isn't it only two games allowed at any one time and...