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  1. D

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    I am completely in love with this show, after what I've seen so far of it! I love the lightheartedness of it, and at the same time how they manage not to go too overboard with it. The paper animals bit is probably my favourite scene so far... poor Sam! :guffaw:
  2. D

    Grade "Epilogue"

    As a forward, I'd like to point out that I have religiously avoided anything that could give me any spoilers at all ever since the season 5 finale, so this is my first dip back into here, and I didn't know at all what to expect. Since other people seem to be doing character-by-character, I'll...
  3. D

    Who had the best character development this season?

    I'd say Hawkes, definitely, he's had some great stuff to work with this season. I enjoyed seeing his principles in 'Sex, Lies and Sillicone', and then the other side of him in 'Help', with Kara. I also like how that seemed to carry on affecting him, for instance in 'Prey', where he basically...
  4. D

    One Word

    Mac: Tenacious Stella: Fiery Danny: Immature Lindsay: Obscured Hawkes: Principled Adam: Survivor Sid: Eccentric Flack: Dependable Angell: Strong
  5. D

    Grade 'Yahrzeit'

    This was definitely the best episode of the season so far, in my opinon. Very powerful, and extremely sad. I was crying from when Mac was watching the testomony about his dad until after it had finished... amazing acting in this one, particularly by Braun. I loved him in his first scene with...
  6. D

    CSI at shooting range

    In Miami, Horatio and Calleigh visited the sniper shooting range in 'Kill Zone', season 1 (episode 9). I know that Horatio was shooting the sniper gun, but I can't remember if Calleigh was too, or just watching him.
  7. D

    Stetler#1: he needs his own life!!!

    I like Stetler - I think he's a great character, both as a foil for the team and H, and in his own right. It's nice to have someone who's a bit ambiguous, although at the end of the day on the same side as the rest of the team (ie against the bad guys). As has already been said, he is doing...
  8. D

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Maybe with the 'pushing performance' bit she was referring to the fact that on stage all the gestures, expressions, tones of voice etc have to be larger-than-life to be conveyed to the audience, whereas to a camera if you did that it would be way to over-the-top? Just my take on it.