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  1. P

    Do they deserve an Emmy?

    I'm a big fan of Emily and i think she of all people on the show deserves an award! Her performance in "All in" was so amazing :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:! Definitely the only possibility ;)!
  2. P

    Does Miami focus too much on upper-class citizens?

    wow i couldn't agree more with all of you. nearly every episode i watch i think 'what ever happened to the regular folks in miami?' it's not like it's a small village with only the rich and famous... in reality, every city has more 'regular, ordinary people' than pretty, fancy rich folks...
  3. P

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    oooh this is such a hard question...;) but if i have to choose.. #1: greg :D #2: grissom :):) #3: nick/sara
  4. P

    Who Do YOU Think Shot Horatio???

    Definitely Saris... His face bugs me from the first second I saw it haha. I simply think he has the biggest motive and is the most 'dark side'. I'm also liking the idea of Kyle shooting H in a conspiracy against Saris, he was playing with a gun just before they had to leave to meet Horatio...
  5. P

    Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** - Gimme More, Gimme Gimme More!

    i don't think ryan really turned bad and is involved in H's shooting... I mean, (so far) he doesn't have any reasons... For example: thanks to H he got his job and good name back
  6. P

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions well, i think it's perfect closure for season 8 as well for two main characters, if we'll see sara sidle again at warrick's funeral. it's a beautiful gesture: the entire original cast together for one last time to pay a tribute to a mutual good friend and...
  7. P

    Whats your favourite CSI Esipode?

    i really loved how they put together rashomama; 'collecting' everyones point of view. second, i loved 'you kill me', because it was pretty much all about hodges and the other 'labrats', who are usually kept in the background, which is such a shame...
  8. P

    Last Words To & Memories Of Warrick

    I don't really have a favorite scene or episode, but what I'll miss most of Warrick is his relationship with Nick. Those two were closer than brothers. Their friendship made me laugh and now one piece is missing. It won't be the same, but you'll definitely will be remembered by all of us :)
  9. P

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

    you know you watch too much csi: miami when -you know who did it before even Horatio knows -you talk so much about it, even your folks can tell what rerun is showed just from the first seconds -the first thing you see when you close your eyes is your favorite character -you start correcting...
  10. P

    video - Dancing with the CSI:Miami stars

    omg whahahaha this is brilliant! can't stop laughing hihi:guffaw:
  11. P

    If you were a SERIES REGULAR on CSI, which role would you choose?

    i chose csi too haha. i just love solving those puzzles and mysteries haha. i wonder if i would be any good at it if i'd really be a csi...
  12. P

    Has CSI:Miami evolved more into a soap opera than a forensics show?

    Re: Has CSI:Miami evolved more into a soap opera than a forensics show unfortunately, i have to agree that CSI Miami is focussing way too much on the personal dramas of the characters and not the crime, the science and the realism... the last few seasons so many emotional things happened to the...
  13. P

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions i'm really looking forward to meet Bryce. i kinda see the introduction as a 'breeze of fresh air' for the show. which, i think, we all could use after a very heavy season (with 2 main characters leaving and all...:() i'm very curious how just grissom will...
  14. P

    Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

    i'm thinking greg will indeed go later to LA for his book; it would be a little weird if he'd leave everyone mourning over Warrick and go to LA on a trip... That's not like greg:lol:
  15. P

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions i think that if indeed we'll see warrick again next season, it will probably be in the season premiere when the team investigates who shot him etc. my lame idea: he'll be found (by nick, that's just meant to be since those two were so close), rushed to...
  16. P

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    For me, LV is the best one. i don't know why, maybe because it is the first show so it's kind off the foundation for the other two shows. But, probably because it's the longest running of the three and now already 2 characters left the show, it's slowly losing that old vibe... And, by saying i...
  17. P

    *New* How old are all CSI fans?

    first of all: congratulations to every who have their birthdays today (or just had them). i went for 13-20, since i turn 18 this september :D (ooh and i'm watching csi for like 6 years now:) ).
  18. P

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions wow i really hope we'll see sara again, i'm curious how she's doing after she left, plus she has to be shocked by warrick's death :O. but i also think she shouldn't get a lot of screentime; her story has already come to an end and i think it's nice to see...
  19. P

    Episode 6x21 - 'Going Ballistic' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    hey guys! here's my theory on all this is: knowing Horatio, who always seems to know everything before the rest of the world does, already had a masterplan set up and ryan helps him (it happened before, maybe Horatio knows he can trust him?). I'm almost sure Horatio also planned to get shot...
  20. P

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 hey everyone, I'm new here :) and I really needed to blow off some steam after what happened to Warrick... He was one of my fav characters too :). Even though it's been some days after i saw the season finale, i too am still totally heartbroken...