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  1. V

    Grade 'Personal Foul'

    yeah, reed is my favorite "csi kid" by far. he's way better than lindsey willows and ray jr. and kyle. i also hope that he learns from this. i'm hoping there's lots of good father/son scenes with mac after he's rescued (if he's rescued i guess....but i just can't see them killing him....i'll...
  2. V

    Grade 'Personal Foul'

    sorry that should be eat a SALAD...that will teach me to proofread :o
  3. V

    Grade 'Personal Foul'

    wow!!! so much reed hate. i guess i'm the only one on this thread who likes the character and understood where he was coming from. i just really think he's desperate to prove himself and that he wants a story because he has these grand notions of helping catch the bad guy. i honestly think...
  4. V

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    that is exactly what i'm hoping for too. i would love to see reed stay on the show.
  5. V

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    that's true about it being a mouthful....but i honestly had no problem with it when i saw the preview. dna isnt everything (weird to say about a csi show i know); you can love someone like a son even if you aren't biologically related. and i really think that's how mac feels about reed. he...