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  1. H

    Sources Used by CSI Writers - research paper!

    Hi all. I am writing a college research paper about the use of fingerprint evidence in CSI and comparing it with a Mark Twain novel. Anyway, I have two questions: (1) any suggestions of episodes that deal heavily with fingerprints? and (2) most importantly, anyone know what sources the writers...
  2. H

    CSI Sources - Writing a paper, help!

    Thanks so much - this is a great start. If anyone else has other information or ideas or tips about either sources used by writers or an episode with significant fingerprint evidence, I would be grateful!
  3. H

    CSI Sources - Writing a paper, help!

    Hi all. I'm new to the boards and in fact, I'm only a recent fan of the show, but I've watched a lot lately. I am writing a college research paper about the use of fingerprint evidence in CSI and comparing it with a Mark Twain novel. Anyway, I have two questions: (1) any suggestions of...