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  1. C

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back And How then since the season 3 I hope for some scene Yobling. Ate and now nothing. And the Warrick will leave And they will remain the same. So does not:alienblush:
  2. C

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back It is people, it is the end for us. Not yet able to assimilate. But Yo! Bling ended.:(:(:(:(:(
  3. C

    Dourdan Says Goodbye

    I am not yet confident that this is possible. Not my Warrick, much less my Yo! Bling Can be finished. And the visa, in the series. Will come out one at a time. I will not cope with it. But at least I have my consolation: Catherine.:(:(:(
  4. C

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back I love the shipper Yo! Bling. So the hope is the last who died for me. And after the episode "Bodien in Motien." It has to be something between the two.:)