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  1. C

    Who are they? The Who who, who who

    I really like The Who they always have been on the CSI shows
  2. C

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

    I love all of the pictures everybody has posted thank you for all the Greggyness!!
  3. C

    How old are most CSI fans?

    Im 14 going 15!!!
  4. C

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Im a total Nick/Greg Slash fan!!! I mean come on!! thay look soooooooo cute together! And yes that Picture is soo hot!
  5. C

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    Cathrine:You know,we have a good relationship together. Grissom:Really? Cathrine:Hey,I don't Pay Greg to tie him up and put liquid latex all over him and stick straws in his nose Grissom:Don't becuse he'll like it Just love that!!
  6. C

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Catherine:You know we have a good relasionship in work. Grissom:Really? Cathrine:Hey,I Don't pay Greg to get tied up and put liquid latex all over him Grissom: Good Becuse he'll like it