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  1. C

    CSI: The Movie

    McKeen could have conection's and bribe someone to help him escape. but I think it will probably be a new adversary.
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    Robert David Hall

    Robert David Hall always gives such nice interviews.
  3. C

    CSI: The Movie

    I would not be surprised if William Friedkin were to be the director of any CSI movie.I hope it well as this two part episode.
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    Now That Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Are Gone

    Nareen Shankar said Dead Doll went the way they intended from the start of the season. Carol Mendelson said Grissoms exit was the end of story 9 years in the making. so I think the whole thing was planned including Jorja leaving ect. like it or not. If they wanted to kill her off they didn't...
  5. C

    CSI: LV Fans Choice Award (Nominations) CLOSED

    Re: CSI: LV Fans Choice Award (Nominations) OPEN Best Season 1 Ep - To tough to Die 2 Ep - Hunger Artist 3 Ep - Crash and Burn 4 Ep - Home Bodies 5 Ep - Grave Danger 6 Ep - Unusuall Suspects 7 Ep - fannysmacking [8 Ep - Good bye Good Luck Best Regular character death - Warrick Guest...
  6. C

    what episode did u find most disturbing/gory episode

    yes that one. and the one wher Cath and Sara find the man dead in the bath and its driping through the celing "Raing Man Juice"
  7. C

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    Well I will be very happy to see Sara, even though I don't expect to see her with anyone but GG. oh well .
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    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    The episode To Tough to Die was based on a real case of one of the advisors on CSI Liz Devine when she was a CSI We had a technical advisor, Liz Devine, and it was the first script she wrote for the show. She is now one of the executive producers for CSI: Miami and she writes weekly for TV...
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    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions Was it Strip Strangler when Grissom was suspended but secretly worked on the case with the rest of the team.
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    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Nice Video. I am looking forward to some of the old interaction between Sara an Greg. Sara still holds a torch for Greg I think Greg still likes sara Greg Sara
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    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions I think Warrick will be in Intensive Care so all we will see is a few glimpses of him on life support for the premier and the first few episodes, as the team try to find who shot him. The Under sheriff will be doing all he can to mislead them and hes in...
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #6: A Beautiful Soul

    Yeah they do work together well.
  13. C

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

    Hollywood stars launch video campaign for Myanmar's Suu Kyi two stars from the popular CSI television show, Eric Szmanda and Jorja Fox, play a game called "forced labor" using cards with graphic pictures of alleged abuses in Myanmar. Wallace / hodges is also in this check it out
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 I think if Gary is leaving its because after 8 years he's ready for somethig new. Marg was leaving this season the strike got in the way, an William Petersen is suposed to be leaving but he said that fo the last 4 years. back in 2004 George...
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    Who are they? The Who who, who who

    Has anyone seen Roger Daltry in the film Tommy,
  16. C

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    Informal use - to discover a source of wealth, success,information etc. In this case i gues it means Cath has a snoop and finds what she want's to know.
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    *New* How old are all CSI fans?

    I will be 16 in November.:)
  18. C

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

    Looks like we have to wait till next season for sara to come back.