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  1. Seren_y_Gogledd

    The Mom Thread

    Oh, I swear my four-year-old daughter is from another planet sometimes! She does the "running from one room to another and back again" all the time and if I tell her to stop running she says "I'm not running, I'm exercising" or similar! (Somehow, she thinks arguing semantics will get her out of...
  2. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Doctor Who!

    Well, at least he was nice enough to give us plenty of notice, even if that does mean a whole year of "X should be the next Doctor!" / "No, Y should!".
  3. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Danny's Glasses??? *Possibly the Most Minor Spoiler Ever*

    Or some kind of grass roots campaign (spare parts from glasses-repair kits maybe?)!
  4. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Danny's Glasses??? *Possibly the Most Minor Spoiler Ever*

    Say it ain't so! As a glasses-wearer who's been told: "You would look so much better if you got contacts", I really hate when a character has their appearance 'improved' by losing the glasses, and the implications of such a change (yet more people refusing to wear their glasses, thinking people...
  5. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Doctor Who!

    I started at Season 2, but I saw Torchwood before I went back to catch up on Season 1. Took ages before I had the guts to watch the last episode because I knew that was the one where Jack died, even though I knew he would be coming back pretty soon after - and seeing him left behind on Satellite...
  6. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Nails - natural or 'fake'

    I've tried loads of different false nails (word of advice - DO NOT get gel nails done the day before a big typing exam!), but prefer to keep mine natural now. It helps that I can grow them really long, and if I wear nail polish people think I've got falsies on!
  7. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Congratulations to Anna and her family

    Congratulations to Anna and family, especially Baby #1 on becoming a big sister very soon :)
  8. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Crushes on Fictional Characters

    Drat. Somebody already called Dean Winchester. Oh well, I'll take Alec from Dark Angel instead :lol: Also, various characters from the Final Fantasy series: Cloud (VII - not in the game, he looks too cartoony, but in Advent Children... look to the left and go *THUD*.) Laguna (VIII) Auron...
  9. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Joy and Buckley: Now Official Stars

    Haven't seen it yet (grr dratted Five making us wait!) but that's fantastic news - not just for Robert and AJ but for all of us too!
  10. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    Hi, sorry if this has come up before, but I just found out that AJ did some of the voices for the game Kingdom Hearts II. He's credited as "Additional voices" and I was just wondering if anyone knows exactly which characters he did?
  11. Seren_y_Gogledd

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    S5 is still only a few episodes in on FX, so it's going to be a while yet. It will probably be a couple of weeks after S5 ends on Five.
  12. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    I agree, there's usually at least one laugh-out-loud moment with Gibbs every episode while Mac gets maybe a handful each season. (This could be something to do with Mark Harmon's comedy experience, though.) Mac's humour usually only shows up in his scenes with Sid (come on, writers, more banter...
  13. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    Woohoo thread number SIX! *High-fives all around* Nice demonstration of the unbuttoning MacsLady, and MacsLovlyAngl YUMMY wallpaper! Add my name to the shower scene petition ;)
  14. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Hiya privatename and KrissyLovesCSI! Welcome to the Gutter... erm I mean thread. Nope, definitely gutter. Jools did you Photoshop that yourself? Yeah the writers should really consider that :drool::drool::devil: And Tequesta... WOW that is one hell of a pic to show us and thanks for the...
  15. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    I think we could get away with "assets" so long as we don't capitalize the first three letters, to a newbie we could just be talking about, um, good features. Natty I like your suggestion about the Taylor Girls' Playground! It's a shame we don't have the test board anymore, that would have...
  16. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Doctor Who!

    I think I would like Rose a lot more if it wasn't for all the shipping. My four-year-old, on the other hand, thinks she should be the Doctor's sister but that's a whole other story... I strongly doubt the regeneration is going to 'stick', if it was they wouldn't have made it as a cliffhanger...
  17. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    MBGrissom, there is a very complicated bank metaphor in there, related to making deposits in banks, and how that should be reversed, but I'm not going to elaborate further in case I get into trouble. *ahem*
  18. Seren_y_Gogledd

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    If you've ever referred to someone as "That guy over there in the Danny glasses". Oh and LME I've done both of yours - Corporate Warriors was on here last night and somehow I still ended up watching it despite having the DVD. I also count down to episodes, even with alarms set on my phone for...
  19. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    According to IMDb, Impostor is from 2001, meaning it was only seven years ago. (Hee hee, the first of the keywords on there is "Shirtless Male Bondage"... :guffaw:) (OOPS! I just noticed you were asking about The Stand, not Impostor... still, I'm leaving this in because of the whole keyword...
  20. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Should AJ(Adam) be in the Credits?

    I agree with most people here. I'd like to see Sid in there first though, as he's more likely to be in every episode, while Adam isn't.