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  1. I

    CSI: The Experience

    I haven't posted in a long time. I saw the CSI:Experience in Portland, Oregon this summer. It was between $9-11 depending on if you had a discount. It included the price of the entire OMSI place so you could check out the whole place. So fun to play CSI...I was giddy and my husband was...
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    "Kill Me If You Can" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I couldn't agree more that it was missing the whimsy that made the other episodes. 4x4 is one of my favorite episodes. I enjoy it even more after watching it the commentary in the DVD set. With that said, this episode not so much. I was glad everyone got screen time, just didn't seem...
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    "Miscarriage Of Justice" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Thanks so much for the clarification of the story:p...I really appreciate it. I'm also glad to be back reading discussion of the episode that are mature and insightful....
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    "Miscarriage Of Justice" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    It was an interesting episode, but I agree that CSI has done better courtroom dramas in the past. Look how long it is taking the Casey Anthony case to go to court. I would have prefered an older case with Greg testifying. They could have used it as a learning experience for Ray. I'm glad...
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    "One To Go" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    OK I can't tell if that is snarkiness or what? Grissom and Sara ended up together. He went to Costa Rica to look for her. On it says "Grissom ends up with Sara." Carol and Naren have said this is the ending they worked out with WP and JF. Together off into the sunset. Check out this...
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    "One To Go" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I haven't posted in forever with a new baby and such. Anyhoo. I really liked this episode. I liked the case, the team figuring it out, everyone saying goodbye. I really enjoyed the Hodges scenes and look forward to his actions with Langston in the future. I think people forget that Grissom...
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    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    I liked the promo b/c it was fast paced and showed so many different clips. I'm not sure that everything was from "For Warrick." It also messes with many of the spoilers about finding Warrick, Sara not allowed in the lab, etc. If anything...makes me want to discount most of the spoiler stuff...
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    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Hi...been away with life, but still reading the thread. Does anyone know if/when WP is going to sing with the Cubs this year? Just curious! I definitely think he's lost weight...he looked sooooo good in "2 1/2 Deaths."
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    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    I finally watched all four parts of "Return to Lonesome Dove." That has to be my new favorite WP movie. Riding horses, flirting with the ladies, leather chaps, etc. Oh be still my heart! As for the Season one "Anatomy of a Lye" they used Ecklie's Mercerdes in an episode and Grissom...
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    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    "Mythbusters" is a show where they prove the science of Urban Legends. This started because in "A La Cart" the experiment with the scrap of tire and balistics dummy is the exact same experiment that appeard on an episode of "Mythbusters." The "Mybusters" episode aired before the CSI one. I...
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    "A Thousand Days on Earth" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    SMOKEY...You are so smart.:thumbsup: Wouldn't his fingerprints be on her clothing since he carried her? Or his fingerprints on the box? Or like you mentioned on the necklace? What a great catch!!! I guess in the craziness to finish the season they missed some stuff. Overall the episode...
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    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    So the ION network is showing "Return to Lonesome Dove." I watched the first part last night. I loved WP playing a cowboy. He was great in it. He talks so fast and is un-Grissom! Next week is the next part and I can't wait to see more WP. At the same time, the Sleuth channel...
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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart Yes, there is hope for tomorrow!!!! I'm going to sleep with happy dreams. I hope that by the time my little one comes in October that they will be reunited! We all know they are still in touch and it's not over! Hurray! Thanks to everyone...
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    "Grissom's Divine Comedy" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I really liked the episode and I have to respectively disagree with xfcanadian on one point. Otherwise I agree with the majority of your other comments. I thought the case was creative and different. I liked the "old school CSI" with lots of evidence processing. I liked Grissom and what I...
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    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    gilsgal thanks for the article about WP's play in summer 2009. One of my girlfriends is moving back to Chicago as soon as her house sells...looks like I may need to visit her next summer! I'm not surprised he's returning the theater...I would love to see him live in a different role! I've...
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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Real life (I'm pregnant with kiddo #2) has gotten in the way. I've also been reading lots of fan fic recommend on YTDAW to pass the time. I'm so excited that CSI showed up on my TIVO Season Pass with a new...
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    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Thanks so much for explaining the walking picture and the barefootness. I never knew that before. I rewatched "Formalities" last night on SpikeTV while I was sorting laundry...WP is sooo hot in Tux...even hotter with the tie undone. Thanks for all the great pics!
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    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Desert I had a rough winter so the husband is very forgiving when it comes to WP. I don't think he could grow it back since they have rules at his work and he'd half to do it on vacation. I love the jeans pictures... I love Jackpot. I really enjoy the director's cut with the explanation...
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    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    I love the beard pictures...maybe I need to convince the hubby to grow his back. I can't wait for the new episode and see if they explain "the beard."
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    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feeling. My daughter and I Tivo "Dancing with the Stars." She's almost 4 and it's her favorite show. Really, I'd pretty much love to see Billy in anything on TV or a movie. But most of all I'm glad that he is financially set to now have to take the "straight to...