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  1. S

    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    I hope it is not Lindsay mainly because I really DON'T want to see Danny be angsty -- again. I love good angst, but Danny is almost perpetually in a state of angst or some sort of turmoil is soooooo overdone that it's boring and grating. In fact, I'd rather it be Danny who kicks the bucket...
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    Grade 'The Party's Over'

    I enjoyed the episode, mainly because of Adam. He was great. I loved Mac patting Adam on the back -- twice. ^.^ It was a nice moment between the two characters without any words that I simply adored. All of Adam's scenes were wonderful. He cried. -huggles Adam- I think the reason why Flack...
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    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    By the same token, it's actually a realistic storyline. I'm interested to see how CSI: NY writes about it. It's a very sensitive issue and one that people don't enjoy thinking about even though it happens everyday.
  4. S

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Or maybe -- although this might shock you -- the people on the show actually like Anna's performances! I realize that there is a fairly vocal segment of fans that don't like Lindsay/Anna, but this does not remotely speak for the majority of fans or for everyone involved in the show. These...
  5. S

    Ooops, What a mistake!

    This isn't really a mistake, but it is something amusing I noticed in Danny's apartment. He apparently enjoyed the music of "Killa Kitty" from Season Two's "All Access" because he has her poster hanging up on the wall in his kitchen. I have no screen caps -- the technology is far beyond my...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Aw, come on guys. Lindsay isn't that bad. ;) Actually, Quinn stated that aside from the anomaly with Lindsay, the lab and the team are fine. There is no indication whatsoever that Quinn seemed to believe that Lindsay was a bad employee. And regarding her conversation with Mac; Lindsay...
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    Grade 'Hostage'

    ^^I'm going to get a red phone so I can relive the magic of "Hostage" everyday. ;)
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    Grade 'Hostage'

    Don't mock the red phone. It's a fashion statement, much like Flack's ties. :lol:
  9. S

    Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

    Regarding Flack's scars, I think that as I look at the picture of him (solely for research purposes :lol:) from "Personal Foul" where he lifts his shirt up to show off his badge, I think the scar would begin if he had lifted the shirt up a little higher. In fact, there's some shadowing right...
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    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    I forget too easily how much you dislike Lindsay and how that often colors your perception of every action she does and every interaction she has with characters. :p She's no more long-winded than any of the other characters, and Flack tends to get impatient with all the CSIs when they don't...
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    Grade 'Hostage'

    I think the episode was an A-. What I really liked about was that it wasn't as intense as many other season finales have been. I love drama, but at the same time I get tired of the Usual Suspects: Someone gets shot, someone dies, there is a massive explosion, huge gun battle and very little...
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    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    When I think of friction I think of Flack and Hawkes. Now there are two people who definitely don't seem to get along all the time. I think Flack looks at Lindsay, but I think they shoot it so that it doesn't look like he's staring down at her all the time...she's like a foot shorter than he...
  13. S

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    Oh, nay, there is much that can be read into any situation to make it viable. Besides, the writers have managed to write endlessly on a pairing that sucks, so I can totally see them coming up with something like this. And at least Flack/Lindsay have some chemistry when they're on-screen...
  14. S

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    ....No. Just Danny, Hawkes and Flack. But which one will Lindsay end up with? Nick Stokes, from CSI, of course. Bet you didn't see that coming. :devil:
  15. S

    Favorite Episode of Season Four?

    I voted for "Admissions" because the storytelling was great, the acting was fantastic, the case was gut-wrenching and yet they managed to put in the proper balance of humor. Second Place: "You Only Die Once" because damn, that was just a fun episode. Third Place: "Child's Play". I couldn't...
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    Least Favorite Episode of Season Four?

    I actually voted for the season opener in Season Four. I thought we'd have a really interesting case and the bad guy just wasn't compelling to me. I know why he was doing it but at the same time I found I just couldn't be bothered by it.
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    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    Well, my own crack theory is that since Danny and Lindsay aren't getting along very well, the writers have moved on to Hawkes/Lindsay. They'll hold onto that for a while until they decide to shake things up and have Flack and Lindsay have a drunken fling together in the hopes that might make the...
  18. S

    Is Danny a Slut?

    Probably because it is his fault. Just because he's flawed and pretty doesn't mean that he's blameless in all that has been happening around him. He's a screwup and being a screwup means that inevitably others around him are going to get hurt because of what he does to himself and how he...
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    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    I'm excited about all the new Season Five stuff. And *gasp* did I see that Flack and Lindsay interact? What is that....six times for the entire show??? Should be pretty funny then. They do the silly stuff very well when they're together.
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    Mac/Flack Slash**Squeeze My Hand**

    Oh yes. The way their entire relationship has developed has been so easy to slash. Even the newest book has some good bits that I can very easily turn into slash. Sullivan: Donnie and I were just talking about you this morning. Mac: Oh? Sullivan: Yeah, he says you're the best. Mac: *thinks...