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  1. Jacks

    CSI:Miami is cancelled.

    At the very least, they should know that they have a bunch of incredibly unsatisfied fans. I sent them a message as well. Honestly, I think that as many people as possible should give feedback because the way they went about it was absolute crap. I don't think it'll make them change their...
  2. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #39-Let's fix what shouldn't be broken I come out of lurkdom again. Yeah...there was really nothing in the way of EC. They had a few really cute scenes, but I'm not going to lie, I had really hoped that things would turn out differently. I honestly thing there would have been a lot more that could be done had things gone...
  3. Jacks

    Season 10 Ratings Thread

    Theresa, I don't know that it's really the best idea to be telling people to panic. It's like so many people have already said: Miami is on a Sunday night. That's a really sucky day for it to be on. That said, if you look at the ratings for Hawaii 5-0 (the show that is currently in Miami's...
  4. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #39-Let's fix what shouldn't be broken

    Yeah...Eric does have a habit of getting in a little deep when he helps people. It's like he just wants to be there, to help people, and then the whole thing just completely blows up in his face. He definitely needs to be more careful, but, having said that, it's definitely an admirable...
  5. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #39-Let's fix what shouldn't be broken

    You know, I feel bad for the EC shippers because we've waited so long for this and they just keep jerking us around. That said, I also feel bad for the people who either don't ship anyone or the anti EC shippers because they have to deal with all the back and forth too. It's understandable...
  6. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #39-Let's fix what shouldn't be broken

    Unfortunately, I don't know that a petition will do much. I know there's an address for the studio that we could use to write to them and let them know our feelings and that we are still interested. It's hard to know what will make any sort of headway though...
  7. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #39-Let's fix what shouldn't be broken

    Okay guys, I realize that I'm like lurker extraordinaire here, but in light of spoilers and last night's episode and whatnot, I think it might be time to consider rallying the troops. First thing, the spoilers suck. They're vague and confusing, and no matter how much speculation we do, nothing...
  8. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #39-Let's fix what shouldn't be broken

    Re: Eric and Calleigh #39 That's what makes me think they're perhaps back together behind the scenes. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, maybe it's naiveté, but I feel like there's just something we're not seeing yet in terms of their relationship. Admittedly, I do have my doubts sometimes...
  9. Jacks

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Isn't Louisiana divided into parishes? As far as the whole Horatio thing goes, I really don't know what the writers are doing with him, but I don't think he would necessarily be able to straight up leave a guy to die like that. On the other hand, maybe all of this needs to come to a head...
  10. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #39-Let's fix what shouldn't be broken

    Re: Eric and Calleigh #39 You know, I really enjoyed last night's episode. Even though the scenes Eric and Calleigh had together weren't terribly personal, I thought it was great. I loved seeing them together, and I love that they can just be in the same room. As much as I'd love for show...
  11. Jacks

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening I realize I'm really good at this whole lurking thing, but I honestly pretty much come out now in times of crisis (which is pretty much all the time these days). Regarding the possibility of a rekindled romance, I would suggest being cautiously optimistic. The link posted is the only...
  12. Jacks

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Contrary to what they say, I don't think they actually pay much attention to the comments people send through the official CBS website. I don't know...maybe I'm just pessimistic about it but I get the feeling anything sent through there automatically gets filed into the one labeled "Trash." I...
  13. Jacks

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    yay! I'm so glad to see this board is getting a bit more lively! I was seriously scared everyone was leaving the ship or something...granted, I haven't been on in almost a month (but I've been moving, so I have an excuse). Anyway, the preview looks awesome, but I'm trying to figure out what...
  14. Jacks

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Oh good grief... I don't know if this helps anyone at all, but I know there's a link on the CBS website to contact them with comments, complaints, and suggestions. I don't know if they actually read them (they say they do...who knows), but it's worth a try. I can't help but wonder if some...
  15. Jacks

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Wow, I don't think I'm used to my comments stirring this much discussion. I think I like it! :P You're right, C.H.E.A.R., AR did point out that she kind of came in five months pregnant (on EP's part, I think that was actually really smart considering the higher chance of miscarriage and...
  16. Jacks

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Okay...I don't think this needs a spoiler box, so here goes...You know, to an extent I understand why they don't want to write EP's pregnancy into the show, and part of me thinks it makes perfect sense. However, I can't help but think that maybe they would quit jerking us around if Calleigh and...
  17. Jacks

    The Screentime Tallyboard

    You know, I've been looking through the stats, and I honestly don't see how they're any better. Certainly, there were a few episodes where screentime was more evenly distributed, but in general, Horatio and Jesse usually had the top two spots (with the exception of a few times when it was...
  18. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    Guys, seriously chill out. Let's take a moment and just look at this... from what I've read, this is a lot better than we were originally expecting.
  19. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    I suppose I could deal with that, but at the same time... Like you guys have said before, they can't spend a million seasons building this up and then just pretend like it never happened. The characters, the fans, the story, etc, all are already far too invested in it. Someone needs to...
  20. Jacks

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    Re: Eric and Calleigh #37 Crap...I had non-spoiler stuff I was gonna say, but evidently I have the attention span of a goldfish. Ah well.