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  1. C

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Can someone send me the fabulous link to the pictures? I'd love to take a look at all you crazy...I mean fabulous people again :)
  2. C

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Okay folks, so I watched the season finale with my parents today (they are so behind the times. They love the show but are just getting around to it on TiVo) So I kept doing the whole "Oh this must be what everyone was talking about when they said..." They didn't appreciate my EARLY play-by-play...
  3. C

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    I've been telling Orison since the day I met her (which was almost a year ago) that her English is better than most people who were raised with it as their first language! She doesn't believe me though. Camelot thinks she's just keeping quote...committing everything we say to memory and then...
  4. C

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Okay, the it just me or does the mannequin modeling it look awfully masculine? Not that we didn't see plenty of men in dresses in LA, but looking at the mannequin in that particular dress creeps me out!
  5. C

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    So, so, SOOOOOOOOO true. The first night my little non-CSI self chose to sit at the far end of the table so all the folks from the board could sit and talk to each other. I would hear VERY LOUD bits and pieces of conversations and turn to Camelot in horror and shock and ask "Did she really...
  6. C

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Hey folks, it's Bree. I'm the non-CSIer who was on the trip. And yes, I can hear everyone freaking out over me being a non-CSIer ;) Anyway, I just got home to Atlanta and Orison and Camelot are likely boarding their connecting flight at this very moment and should be touching down in a matter...