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  1. K


    I totally agree with you!!!!! Hopefully they'll be wiser than that....let's keep our fingers crossed!
  2. K

    Painkiller Jane

    I only saw the first episode so I don't want to be too harsh but it didn't seem anything special or that original.....I'm not one to judge just on my first impression so I will give it the benefit of the doubt and hope it gets better!! :confused:
  3. K


    I totally agree with you!!! Whatever it is they have in mind for the season finale, I'm almost certain that the next season will be even better...I just hope they don't keep us waiting for answers too long, I mean I doubt the whole Sylar threat-exploding bomb problem will be over and done with...
  4. K

    "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

    I must admit that at first the episode had me a bit worried since it seemed a bit too far fetched but then it got better and as it turns out I really enjoyed it! :) It had a lot of interesting minor scenes that gave an insight on the character's personal life and the ending was.....thrilling...
  5. K

    Are you ready for summer?

    I can understand how you feel since I also have scars I'm not to fond of showing but don't let it get to you too much...the way see, people will always have something to say about you no matter how "perfect" you may appear. Enjoy the summer and be proud of having had the strenght to get over it!!!!
  6. K

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler What to say....between Lady H and the last scene in the Leapin Lyzards episode, it's gonna be one hell of a night!! Too bad I'll have to wait until friday to see's the only bad thing about living in Rome!!!!!
  7. K

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Hello there! My name's Kitty, I'm 29 years old and I live in Rome. I've been a CSI fan from the get-go but I only recently started participating in forums. I totally adore the shows (all 3 series even if CSI New York makes me a bit homesick...) and don't have too many other fanatics to comment...