Search results

  1. N

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Aw, I hope not! (Danny turning to booze or pills that is). That crises in the last season with the kid in Danny's building being killed was just horrible - especially that he didn't turn to L. But I'm hoping they work it all out!
  2. N

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back Exactly! It's TV! Anything can happen!
  3. N

    Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

    Just reading the spoilers and I think you guys have won me over to this ship!!!
  4. N

    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    YKM was the best episode of the season, IMO. But I just think the Hodges/Wendy scene was just awesome.
  5. N

    Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Business

    Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines Lol. I loved that quote!
  6. N

    CSI Fanfic Awards, 2008

    Congrats to the winners! ::off to read them all:::
  7. N

    FanFic Poetry #3..."Who says you can't Sensually Combust?"

    I am so stealing one of these as my wallpaper... if you don't mind! :D
  8. N

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    I love the form! You've got me hanging out for more! And Speed/Katie. Heh-heh. Love it!
  9. N

    RPGs : Auditions and Suggestions

    The think about DuCaine is what are the other characters going to be doing between the DuCaine relationship? :D Sounds good though, let me know if you don't have a Ryan yet.
  10. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    hear hear!
  11. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Woo-hoo! Squeee! :D Whatta cheesy Horatio ending though!!!
  12. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Great article Skylar!!! :D
  13. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    I like WaNt - but I'm SOOO about the animal connection too. ;)
  14. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    I like calling the ship Boa Wolfe. :D Rawr. :D ;)
  15. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Last monday - 522? Yep! I'm still getting over Horatio's look when he saw Ryan leave the building. I know he doesn't mean it, but can Horatio look anything but smug? :D
  16. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Ohhhhh.... must watch!
  17. N

    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Hey, DJ or labmouse, you're wanting a story... I'd be willing to RP one with someone. so much easier and fun than writing one yourself! let me know!
  18. N

    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Oh gosh! I was so thinking about this for a story! I think it's great... he was young and out for a Vegas experience. ;) So love Hodges! :lol:
  19. N

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Awwww... thanks... I hope so too!