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  1. L

    Grade CSI: NY Season Three!

    Hmm...haven't been on the boards for awhile, but I would give this season a B. This show excels in episodes like Raising Shane. Show after show of stunt casting (Someone mentioned Sasha Cohen. Worst.casting.ever.) and contrived 'everyone in Manhattan is a beautiful partier' storylines make me...
  2. L

    Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

    Wow. Thank you so much for this thread. I'm a Carmine fan, but not in the locker room kind of way, so this is making me happy. In fact, I took a 2 month hiatus from this forum because I wanted to have a discussion other than "Ooh I want to take his pants off." I was unfamiliar with Carmine's...