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  1. G

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    Hey guys, thanks for the welcome. Got another little tidbit that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Did you notice he called her Lindsay instead of Montana when he rushed in??? That really spoke to me of TPTB trying to convey extreme emotion on Danny's part. Anyone else think that??? PS: tutoring...
  2. G

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    Mori, I would LOVE it if that's what happens!!!!!!!!!!! Freakin A, that would make my whole year! GinaJas
  3. G

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    Hi, I have lurked for ages but just joined. D/L all the way! I love ships and I sail a lot of them!!! Ep 2 was awesome! I loved the DL action we got, and the promise of more to come! BTW, I'm being vague cuz I don't know how to do the spoiler box thing. A tutor would be lovely (smiles...