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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! He doesnt need to cut his hair... its nothing like Georges last year, he needed to cut his hair. The shaggy look works for Eric!
  2. B

    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    haha i watched that, thought it was really funny that George said k-fed should stick to acting rather than rapping. I hope ET does soemthing though, they never interview Eric. Its always Marg or William!
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    "Toe Tags" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Re: Toe Tag discussion? okay.. i'm confused what comment about the emmys?
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    hey! Its my first post, not that i havent been reading everything but i finally decided to speak my mind so hear it goes.... i think that its going to be more of a physical effect causing greg a lot of pain that in turn will give him psycological effects. we never really saw how hurt he was in...