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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    ok, that episode was just amazing. I loved the cute banter between Calleigh and Eric when they were outside the detention centre. Also - did anyone notice the way he face just lit up when she saw he come towards her - she was positivley beaming ;)! The kisses. Enough said :lol:. Calleigh is so...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Hey just found this on youtube i know its already been posted but still - can i just say - AWWW and HOT haha :thumbsup:
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Hey Y'all!! Happy Monday - Southern Comfort for everyone *because Eric needs and has a little Southern Comfort of his won ;)* Wow - that picture is HOT! Im sure the rest of them will be even hotter - if thats possible :devil:
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Yeah i think you'd be naive to think that the relationship hasnt changed either of them. Calleigh has become more trusting and open - shes learnt to trust the world and some of those in it. Eric has kindof reaffirmed her belief that there are good people in the world. Which is always a good...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Hey das567 and welcome to the thread - beleive me these guys make you feel very much at home that you find you cant help but join in in posting :thumbsup: Hey to Cristina too - your English is actually very good - better than some of the people i know who actually are English :lol:.
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Re: Eric and Calleigh #34 This thread really is moving quick :eek:!
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Re: Eric and Calleigh #34 Well first things first - wow new thread congrats to all :thumbsup: I come back from college and BOOM:eek:! New thread thats 7 pages filled already :)
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    I'e said it before but im going stor crazy here - my only relief for this...sad time of no promo is reading fanfiction (Hiphuggers of course ) whilst drinking my cup of tea - heck i even went as far as to do myself some crumpets but nothings working (though i do seem to be acting more typically...
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    I love Miami Heat :) Cal and Eric will more than heat up Miami they make it explode :lol:! The only way i could possibly get hold of TVguide is if my local Cosco sells it - it sells allsorts of US import magazines so it may have a couple of copies - for the articles - since it has other...
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Believe me i will be forever gratefull that you did that :)
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Like i said before - i wish i lived in America :scream:
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Flash it was an awesome idea - totally love it...i may even have to steal it for use in everyday life :P Cal and Eric in all there awesomeness - impacting the lives of everyday people. Is there anything this ship can't do?! I can only hope the promo is just as amazing as everything else about...
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Thanks JoannaRose :)
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Be still my beating heart...actually i think it has just stopped beating.... I think i have just recieved the best news...ever.
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Double yay for tonight is what i say - though i'll only be able to watch the promo when i get back in from College tomorrow :( As for Riots - i think we should front it with a Canon - you know add a bit of symbolism in there just to spice things up - not that i already have my riot outfit...
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Jeez im out sick for a couple of days and BOOM! 6 new pages, yo guys sure know how to have fun ;) I think we all belong in the crazy house if E/C shipping the way we do is 'crazy' behaviour. Though i dont think we're crazy just hyper aware of the blatantly obvious or as i tell my mum ' im not...
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    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    I love their interviews on E&C, its always great when the actors are rooting for your ship, and their chemistry in undeniable, jsut like their belief that Calleigh and Eric are ment to be. :)