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  1. S

    Stella says stupid things

    I am with you... to a point. I know the writers must be sure every viewer is on the same page but it does seem like poor Stella gets those more than the rest. And this is no slight to the actors or the characters! It's just sometimes so... obvious. lol! Not stupid just obvious. Or we are...
  2. S

    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    No no that is a great relief. You never frikken know what t.v. folks'll do when it comes to huge injuries. As messed up as Flack was though, I am not sure if I agree with him coming back %100 at first. (I know, I know, I love him too!) He should, since this is a 'real life' fictional drama, have...
  3. S

    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    Wikipedia entry on CSI:NY states that Flack is still in a coma as season 3 opens. I admit my dander got all sorts of up when I heard about the new detective too. All I could think was "Fllaaaaaaaaack! Nooooooooooooooo!" :( There might've been tears. (Of course my torrid little fic mind went...