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  1. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #24 - 'Just Take The Shirt Off Already!'

    Hmm, it does look kinda like him! Have ya seen the video to go along with it?
  2. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    And the bottom is a bumble bee. :D
  3. the_bullet_girl

    Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

    I absolutely adored that interview! Thanks whoever posted it! There are soooo many things to say about it, I can't think! lol First off, I think Emily would make a great mom, don't ya'll? And I would absolutely love to see Calleigh deal with her childhood and growing up with an alcoholic...
  4. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    I doubt there was any video footage but I'll keep an eye open. :D I don't know how close the match was just that Jon won.
  5. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Yes he did indeed win. :D And FallenForFlack nice job with the icons!!! Love them.
  6. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    It does fit him, anything to bulk up those arms! I'm a sucker for arms. Jon won, actually! I didn't even think to check so I did and yep he won! Yay Jon!<3
  7. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    No problem! I think I'm as anxious as everyone to get a picture without a shirt so no sleeves is a start! ;D
  8. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    I would say, it wasn't publicised{Excuse my spelling}. Anyway, here's the poster. Majorly cute, right!?
  9. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    You are all very welcome and trust me, I can empathise with the heartattackes! lol and the drooling. A couple of you asked a few different things so I hope this answers your questions. The photographs were taken on May 23rd 09{In case ya want to know lol}, and the 'event' was "The Soul Food...
  10. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    lol it's not my picture but I'll post it all the same. Here it is, I don't know if this is the one everyone is talking about but there ya go.... Click it.
  11. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Ohh, baha, are ya'll talking about the pictures taken at his recent "Soul Food Fight"? If so, the picture features his tattoo. :D I don't know what the rules are for posting personal pictures, which it is, {to him, clearly, not me}...?
  12. the_bullet_girl

    Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

    That's weird because I'm not from US too and I can watch it :shifty: That's weird and annoying but ohwells! Nothing we can do.
  13. the_bullet_girl

    Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

    Are you outside of the US? I had the same problem and it said "due to copyright laws, this video cannot be broadcasted outside of the US." Sadness! :( But by the sounds of things, we're not missing much!
  14. the_bullet_girl

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    I completely agree with that! Throughout the entire scene, I was cringing at the pure ridiculousness of it! It was like a scene plucked from a movie from back in the day, like Psycho. It was laughable at best! Her entire reaction and form of handling the attack was very 'damsel in distress'...
  15. the_bullet_girl

    Dear Writers...

    Wow, good thinking on creating this thread Ginnna. I've read everyone's post so far and some I agree with, other's not so much. But then that's to be expected, everyone has different opinions. Anyway... Firstly, kudos to the cast and crew for keeping the show fresh and exciting for 7 seasons...
  16. the_bullet_girl

    Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

    I have a feeling this episode; 7X18 is going to be like 7X17 and seem all too familiar. CSI Miami had a murder on a plane before; granted it was a private plane and the woman was pushed from it but still, it'll bring back memories. I'll be interested to see how they spin this episode and...
  17. the_bullet_girl

    Episode 7x17 - 'Divorce Party' *** CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Lawd, so many responses on my jeans comment. Don't get me wrong, I loved the jeans on him, very flattering ;D but I think it looked out of place and looked unprofessional. Just my opinion. As for the heals, I definitely agree! They're very unrealistic and awkward; the scene with Calleigh at...
  18. the_bullet_girl

    Episode 7x17 - 'Divorce Party' *** CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Yeah, the Tara stealing the Oxycodon was reaaaally weird! I was like; whaaaat's going on?! As for Calleigh, I completely agree! I think the 'babe' comment sounded very forced on Emily's part and it just didn't flow right. It sounded awkward and unnatural! I thought the episode was a...
  19. the_bullet_girl

    Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

    It was for Hollywood life magazine, September/October 06. :D I love that shoot, I wish Emily&Jon would do more together! Great album, btw.