Search results

  1. N

    Pitch us the next CSI spin-off!!!!

    Horatio and Stella? Nah. I say CSI: London is simply a must. That or CSI: Ipswich... A CSI cross-over with Vegas, Miami and NY would be great - maybe starting as a storyline which runs through each series independently, with a serial killer murdering in each city in each series, until the...
  2. N

    CSI: London?

    So, I know that Miami has filmed in Rio, that CSI has filmed in LA (Hollywood Brass), and now they are doing a SF episode? And possibly a London one? Oh, and NY has done New Jersey. I'd like to see a CSI: San Francisco episode, if not a series. Have any other cities appeared in CSI?
  3. N

    Who wants to see a crossover between all 3 CSI's?

    I wrote a CSI: NY fanfiction where a terrorist attack on the subway leads Mac to a suspect, but finds his fanatic brother has stolen his identity and fled to took a hell of a lot of work to get right and just re-reading my post makes me want to check it again! Oh, yeah, I've got plans...
  4. N

    CSI: New York--'Run Silent, Run Deep'

    I think NY should crossover to LA just like they did here - without a spin off. Remember, they were in LA filming for "Open and Shut" when they found that body. Everyone waiting for a spin-off that would never come. Ha
  5. N

    CSI: New York--'Run Silent, Run Deep'

    Has no-one realised the sheer blatant spolier on the show! NJ:CSI!! Everytime a new CSI dept. is introduced, there's a new series! NJ:CSI is coming!