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  1. G

    Trivia game

    Come on....dead game....
  2. G

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Re: Forensic Science Trivia Game Hmmmm.....3 days
  3. G

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Re: Forensic Science Trivia Game 5-6 days? My reasoning the same as Shuri. The body decomposes and the gases from the decomposition raise the body up to the surface.
  4. G

    Trivia game

    Alrighty guys, games been dead come on....
  5. G

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Re: Forensic Science Trivia Game Come on guys...someone go
  6. G

    Trivia game

    Yeppers....your up.
  7. G

    Trivia game

    Alright, this one's pretty easy. What two things did Greg mix together in a solution to prove that the security guard had, in fact, spit on Kristy Hopkins. "Very Jennifer Lopez" -Greg
  8. G

    Trivia game

    Oh shoot! I can't think of the title but I can picture it! Even the reason why! Dang! lol.... The vic had suffocated because the murderer had her dressed in leather head to toe and her only way to breathe was through straws, but he covered up the ends and she suffocated. Greg put the markers up...
  9. G

    csi games

    I've got CSI: 3 Demensions of works fine for me.
  10. G

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Re: Forensic Science Trivia Game Biological, physical, and testiomonial?
  11. G

    Trivia game

    Come on guys, games been dead for a while....
  12. G

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Re: Forensic Science Trivia Game Meaning like? DNA, hair follicles? That type of thing?
  13. G

    Trivia game

    For my own curiosity, who was it? Doc Robbins, David, Jenna.....
  14. G

    Trivia game

  15. G

    Trivia game

    Yep...your turn now maple. Love your NCIS banner btw
  16. G

    Trivia game

    Name the three episodes that Lady Heather appeared in.
  17. G

    Trivia game

    Hmm....give me time to think...will definetly have it posted before end of day
  18. G

    Trivia game

    Scuba Doobie Doo
  19. G

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Re: Forensic Science Trivia Game Can we guess twice?