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  1. F

    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    csi_love: We do have a name! It's CSX- Curtis/Sanders X... [insert your opinion here] My ships really are just to annoy you. ::sigh:: but I have grown to love them all. 'Specially my crack!ships. Icon challege...I would totally make an icon for the comm. Another thing that i liked that Amanda...
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    I have the dvd sets. Seasons 1-6 to be exact. And I know because the pic from my banner is from that eppisode. :D Why are you arguing about the CSX flirting? It should be our next title, how many posts do we have? -x-liv
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    That eppisode was Unbearable. With the car thing and Sara being jealous and all. Then Greg started flirting with Sofia about the DNA of trees, which was adorable love. Greg and Sofia have apartment love. -x-liv
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    *nods* I do ship him with the whole town, I confess. no I ship him with everyone. Someone needs to write something about the apartment thing. It's quite obvious by Sofia's tone that they totally slept together... I though I've gone over this? We don't see them becuase they're off...
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    I was watching Supernatural too. whole town..?....meh, maybe. *nods* Trains are awsome. There should be an ep next season with Greg and Sofia in it, and a train just goes by and they stare at it. That would be just...made of awesomeness.
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    #9 is a no. I wouldn't know I didn't see the episode. It's juest a fact because Sofia loves Greg. You're so mean to me ::sadface:: I don't ship Greg with too many people....really.
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    Stop trying to deny it. My crackships rock. I really truly hope that we get some Greg/Sofia action in the next season. Hell, I hope we actually get to see Greg and Sofia in the next season. Oh! I got bored when I was on the bus coming home from school, so I decided to write Ten reasons why...
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    Greg & Catherine :Checking out her butt again.

    oh wow, Wojo. That's great. You should post it up on the Tag lj which has gotten very little love these last few weeks. Hopefully we can bring the Tag love back. I want them to break out an old episode where the Tag is strong and you can see it.
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    Greg & Catherine :Checking out her butt again.

    I didn't watch the episode, but I saw the caps. I've been missing this thread for long amounts of time. I'm glad it's coming back. Those are some great caps, btw. -x-liv
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    Yes. Yes you do love me. XD Hmm. I do indeed owe you a ficcie. I'll get on that when I'm less lazy. Hodges/Natalia is my crack ship. I haven't been watching CSI in awhile. CSX hasn't had any screen time have they?
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    you're totally not the only one, come join us on the train of love. everyone knows about the livejournal comm no? if not allow me to direct you in the direction of it... CSX=love
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    You know how we know they're together? Because their clothes are color corrdinated. ::has been forgotten due to lack of months:: I expect that Ryan dressed himself in the last eppisode though. He should never wear kaki...or that jacket...damnit Ryan, just let Calleigh dress you...
  13. F

    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    Aww, we have new shippers! Liv isn't sad anymore. knows you loves me Lynn :3 Nothing wrong with a dirty mind. ::points at icon:: Hodges and Natalia, anything else that crawls around in your brain more than that, let me know. You know what? In 'Lab Rats' Greg and Sofia probably worked...
  14. F

    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    I'm wondering if Greg cleaned Sofia's shirt for her. or at least took it off. either way, it's probably gone. It really has been quiet, that kinda makes me sad. The CSX has no loves. ::sad face::
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    Danny/Angell: Two Hot Detectives = Double the Fun!

    Who wouldn't? Danny is eye!sex totally not looking at the flashlight.... She should shove him up against a wall...leaving the poor innocent flashlight on the ground. :cough:she wants him:cough: -x-liv
  16. F

    Crossover- Sofia/Don- Two Very Hot Detectives

    I have a series. :D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 but I love them dearly. We really need a crossover so we can see Flack and Sofia kick but together. -x-liv Edt. What RP? I wanna see!
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    Not everyone knows that Greg and Sofia are together though. Only Archie 'cause we send him the tapes. Arch better have some explaining to do. Greg is perfesct. I love him, so does Sofia. :D Hmmm...We could hide it in a cd player. -x-liv
  18. F

    Greg & Catherine :Checking out her butt again.

    I hope you had a lovely birthday Ally. ...did they have a scene last eppisode? :tries to think...and fails: I give up, nothing's comming to me. sofine I love your fic. It makes me feel all worm and fuzzy inside. :D -x-liv
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    Yup, it's 'cause Greg is amazing like that. oh, thank godness it was you. :sweatdrop: I was freaking out when I heard that. I thought it was Archie... webcam? We can post their "love" all over the world! -x-liv
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    Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

    yeah, that's what I was thinking :coughsheisajealousbitchcough: Staying away from sharp objects, that might work. I'll take you up on that. THAT WAS YOU BEHIND THERE! Man I thought I was hearing things! I thought Sofia saw me sneak in. :sweatdrops: -x-liv