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  1. J


    Happy Thanksgiving I think I said that at least 5,000 times today :hugegrin:, enjoy and eat up:drool:.
  2. J

    Holiday Card Exchange

    I think last year it was 39 total, but a few couldn't do it so it was around 37 so we sent out 36 cards. did you get my address? I sent it to you but I need to know if I need to resend it. (blushes .....can't remember if I did send it :lol:.)
  3. J

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    Hi it is sooooo nice to finally fill the tank and it doesn't bankrupt you :). $1.69 here, not bad, not bad at all.
  4. J

    Holiday Card Exchange

    Hi.... did you get my info? Just wondering :wtf:.
  5. J

    The 30 and Over Club

    Hi....waves and blushes.....can i join in? I am over 30, I remember Electric Company, Mr Rogers and Captain Kangaro, with mr green jeans.
  6. J

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hi....waves.....giggles then snorts, welcome to the fun KDKHm.
  7. J

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hey joy17, nice user name :lol:, welcome.
  8. J

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    thank you for the warm welcome :), I shall try to "delurk" a little more :eek:.
  9. J

    Holiday Card Exchange

    Should we put our user name by our real name that way we know who we are writing to? I think we did last year, but can't remember.
  10. J

    Holiday Card Exchange

    HI.....WAVES TO ALL....It was really fun the last two years got all sorts of mail from all over, it was something to look forward to. I think it should be just as fun this year, with all the different places.
  11. J

    Holiday Card Exchange

    I am, but haven't posted enough to get you my address, but yes I am interested :rolleyes: :).
  12. J

    Holiday Card Swap 2008

    thank you :).
  13. J

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hi....waves at everybody......Ok, so I am a little late saying I am new, but I am a very, very quiet person, and I like to observe first:shifty:. My name is Darcy, I joined over two years ago, and I really love csi ny:). I am from the USA. I really can't pick out a favorite, because I love them...
  14. J

    Holiday Card Swap 2008

    yes please:-)
  15. J

    Holiday Card Swap 2008

    Apparently I haven't posted enought to be able to do this, so have fun! it was a blast the last two years, you all should have fun too. I did this on the csi ny group last two years, but I can't pm you my addy because I can't pm until I hit 50 posts, it was fun while it lasted.:eek:
  16. J

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    althea, um I uh sent you guys some snow in my cards :lol:, if you have a four legged furry please watch out :).
  17. J

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    I know exactly what you mean! except I know it from the "other side" :lol: working in retail, right now is crazy, people can be so rude ( co-workers as well as customers), I don't like shopping in the first place and now you want me to be nice too? 12+ hrs a day with crazy people will make you...
  18. J

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    OK sorry that I haven't posted yet, retail is getting the best(or worst :eek:) of me. I am sorry that I rambled on in my cards but most were written between 2 and 4am. Yes I was snowed in at work and yes I survived. I have yet to come down from my "caffiene" high though :lol:. I mailed them...
  19. J

    Melina Kanakaredes Fan Project: Plant Your Roots in Greece

    Re: Melina Kanakaredes Fan Project: Plant Your Roots in Gree I participate occasionally (am mostly your quiet lurker/watcher), this seems like something that I can do, and if I can come out of my shell to do so, so can you. This isn't something that will be fixed quickly, but if I can do my...
  20. J

    Gary Sinise Fan Project: Operation Iraqi Children

    just out of curiosity how many did you recieve?