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  1. H

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions They're both coming back?!? :D Too bad they're adding a new character though. I feel like the newbies TPTB have tried to add haven't really lasted long... I donno ... maybe she'll grow on me.
  2. H

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #5

    Wow. I haven't been here in forever. Love the pics guys. :D
  3. H

    Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #4

    Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3 Yay! Thanks for the pictures. I still can't get over how gorgeous Eric is. And yeah the girl is Lelah Foster. She's Jorja's stand in. And... well.... seabird basically said it.
  4. H

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    Hahahah. Yeah. I can just imagine what so called 'spoliers' people are gonna pull out of this. "Guys, the water shorted out the fuse and the arm stopped moving. Guess she's dead." Because we all know if she was really gonna live, the arm would have magically kept moving. ;)
  5. H

    What Are Your Other Favourite Fandoms?

    Yay survey! Hahah. 1. What other TV shows do you really like (past or present)? Umm... other than the CSI's, probably Bones, House, Friends, Dirt, Gilmore Girls, Robot Chicken, Will & Grace and Desperate Housewives. 2. Do you collect merchandise/memorabilia for any of these shows? If so, what...
  6. H

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    GREG HOJEM SANDERS! if that's how you spell his middle name... it's something like that. :D
  7. H

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    Hmm. See, I think that Grissom would choose his job over Sara. But, we all have our own opinions... so i don't know. And I really don't know what to think about the premier. I just can't wait. Really, all the things I've heard all so all over the place, I just need to see the darn episode...
  8. H


    I just saw them last Friday in New York! They were amazing. I got awesome pictures too. It was awesomeeeeeeeee :D :D
  9. H

    Contacting All Gyllenhaalics!!!!

    I love him sooo much. And he was amazing in every movie i've seen him in, which is basically all of the movies he's ever been in. Especially Donnie Darko, Brokeback Mountain, the Good Girl, and the Day After Tomorrow. And... other movies that I can't think of at the moment. Hahahah :D Nice...
  10. H

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    Yay, you thought it was good? I really wanna see it, but heard the remake was terrible. I absolutely love Rob Zombie though, the Devils Rejects is one of my favorite movies. Hmm... I just watched The Bone Gather on TV like, 40 minutes ago maybe? I didn't like it too much. It kinda bugged me...
  11. H

    error in mea culpa

    Hahahah. CSI is my life too, obviously, it's sad really... When I watch the show and notice a mistake i'll be like "OMG MOM DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?" and i'll start rambling on about what I saw. And then end up searching it online later, just to make sure i'm not the only one whose spotted it...
  12. H

    The Fake Spoiler Thread

    These are hilarious! :D Here's my sad attempt... Sara realizes that she can crawl out from under the car, since it isn't pinning her down, just resting on a rock. She decides to go home and have a beer or two. Or maybe she went for a vacation on one of those tropical islands. The team finds...
  13. H

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Yay pictures! Thanks so much guys! I can't wait, it's less than a month now! :squees!: :D :D
  14. H

    Poll: Do you want Sara to live or die? NO SPOILERS

    I voted die. I mean, at first I really wanted her to live. And I was upset that they threw her under the car and stuff, but like other people have said, her character has changed. Now I just think that Sara is annoying. Plus, TPTB keep doing these 'near-death' season finales. Can't they just...
  15. H

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    I love the Sandle pics guys! And as always, the quotes are really sweet. :) Hahah, I spent this whole weekend eating Sandies, cause I was at my friend's uncle's house, and I never have them at home cause my mom doesn't buy them. It put me in a very Sandle-y mood. :D
  16. H

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Hi Hestia! Yes, I'm back. Heheheh. Bye Eva have fun in Italy ! I've heard it's awesome, too bad i've never been out of the US. :( And I love the dialogue guys! I'm cracking up. :lol:
  17. H

    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

    Re: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows ~ *NO SPOILERS* Yeah same here. My friend starts telling me all of this stuff that supposedly happens and i'm just like, "I'm not believing it til I read it and SHUT UP." :D I can't wait. I was supposed to go to the thing at Barnes and Noble tonight...
  18. H

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Bahahah. I was reading it again. TPTB should write that into the episode. Bring Hank the Skank back for one more hurrah. Hi Sil! ! ! :D I've been lurking too, but I tend to do that a lot. *hangs head in shame* :lol: :lol: :lol: Hahahahah. I'm like cracking up. I love Greg.
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    Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

    I saw it the day it came out where I live, which was last Wednesday I believe. And I have to say I thought it was really good. My one friend didn't like it though. But everyone else I know who saw it thought it was excellent.
  20. H

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

    Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1 Hahahah. :lol: Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if I actually watched Without a Trace. But i'm not really too fond of crossovers either.