Search results

  1. sarramaks

    What keeps you watching CSI:NY?

    I started really enjoying the show after Danny took his top off in Trapped, so I would have picked 'because of the characters' / 'cases' last season. however, I've been disappointed this season; the cases have seemed predictable and Mac's started to annoy me in the same way Horatio does on...
  2. sarramaks

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    I've been living in a river in Egypt since the spoliers/speculation was got posted, but now I am 99% convinced it's Angell. I haven't enjoyed this season any where near as much as the others. I like a good mystery, and the plots have seemed a little too predictable, as, IMO, has Mac. I've also...
  3. sarramaks

    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    After Aiden left at the beginning of S2, she was replaced by 2 CSIs, which TPTB did say was a mistake as there wasn't the time to give to developing both Lindsay and Hawkes. I do wonder if the plan is to get rid of one CSI, and then bring Angell further into play - and I really hope that's the...
  4. sarramaks

    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    The logical choice is Lindsay, for all the reasons already expressed. If they maintained the DL relationship it would have to digress from the proper CSI storylines and become more of a soap - I imagine this has been planned for quite some time. I also wouldn't be surprised if Lindsay + baby...
  5. sarramaks

    Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS!!!)

    Re: Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS! I don't like the idea of a DL baby, and it's nothing to do with the characters involved. I watch CSI NY/LV for the crimes, the mysteries, not for emotional drama with the characters. For a start, it's not, IMO, something...
  6. sarramaks

    Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

    I like that idea. Anyone any idea as to when Jess' brithday would be? Emmanuelle Vaugier's is in June so should it be then?
  7. sarramaks

    Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

    That sounds like a wondeful idea for a oneshot on fanfic... My muse has been a little sleepy this week (too much real life work :() That could wake it up!
  8. sarramaks

    Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

    They are on fanfiction - here's the link to my page over there. I read that rumour too - but I don't especially trust wiki too much. I would prefer to hear anything from a reliable source.
  9. sarramaks

    Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

    Thank you for voting!!! Reviews are always welcome! The third Flack/Danny story was up, but I pulled it off for various reasons - the main one being that I teach, and there's always the chance of one of my pupils getting hold of my penname. The story was too risque really... I would PM you...
  10. sarramaks

    Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

    Just popping by to say hi. I love the Flack/Angell ship and lurk here to see what other people think about it. I have written 7 Flack Angell fics if you need something to read. All are posted on under the same name I use here. If you pop by there, please review - let me know...
  11. sarramaks

    Season 5 Wishlist

    The return of Danny's balls. I'll be serious now. Better murderers, without the cliched back story (cabbie killer) More Hawkes 'Darker' episodes reccuring characters as already mentioned stories that make me think and Danny to get his balls back (I wasn't joking)
  12. sarramaks

    Switch of scenes in episode 4x19

    I think it makes Danny look inconsistent and flighty whichever way round the scenes are, and that's not the fault of the actor (I do think these recent story lines have given him scope to show off what he can do). If he called Lindsay just because he was after some company - which was the way I...
  13. sarramaks

    Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

    I think the writers have done a poor job with Lindsay. They haven't developed her beyond a one dimensional character. I remember this being said many moons ago; they should have developed her persoanlity before starting something between her and Danny. Lindsay works as a science geek, she...
  14. sarramaks

    Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

    Unfortunately some people seem to want to post/say things simply so they can slip into martyrdom. I teach teenagers - (ones with behavioural issues and I do adore my poppets, really) - and they make wonderful martyrs. Faylinn and Springmoon (congrats by the way :)) I have been lurking quietly...
  15. sarramaks

    Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

    *delurks for the first time in about two years* I'm probably repeating what's been said, but a review is someone's opinion on a programme/album/movie etc. It does not mean it is gospel truth. On these boards we are entitled to have an opinion and express it. If a reviewer is 'made' to write...
  16. sarramaks

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Hi, I'm not a 'newbie' as such as I generally lurk around the NY pages here, but I've recently rediscovered how good the original CSI is, so I thought I'd come and have a nosy over here. My name's Sarah and I live in England. I don't particularly have a favourite character - prefer how the...
  17. sarramaks

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I can;t get it either. I have both the players already butI just get a blank screen. If any techie knows what I'm doing wrong can you PM me - I'd really like to see it!!!
  18. sarramaks

    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. Get very annoyed at the writers and write a long letter or complaint. Why would you do if Lindsay said she wasn't interested in danny because it was Flack who made her heart flutter?
  19. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules first)

    Re: CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules fi Sheldon Hawkes 52-1=51 Sid Hammerback 47+1=48 Marty Pino 21
  20. sarramaks

    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. Send a big well done card to TPTB for realising how to do their job!! What would you do if Flack started dating the new detective?