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  1. L

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    What. The. F**k. I've been a passive watcher this season, watching all the episodes, but at my leisure and sometimes out of order. Today I decided to watch one, read the information on each, and decided this one would be interesting. What. The. F**k. I am in complete shock. As soon as I finished...
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    What's on your Ipod?

    umm 4,271 songs, 2 CSIs some Hannah Montana for my cousin, a few pics that automatically transfered, RENT, POTC 2, The Thief Lord and a few episodes of Harry Potter podcasts.
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    Let's Talk Gay

    omg that made me laugh so hard. Wait, this was a dude who was afraid of turning into a lesbian? :rolleyes:. I would have been like "Careful dude, wouldn't want to start liking girls now would we?" thats brilliant. Homophobia is so funny. I realize that for the long term I deal with people badly...
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    Child Obesity - Should Parents Be Blamed? This is an article about an 8 year old boy who is over 200 pounds. He refuses to eat healthy food so his mother allows him to eat two full pizzas a day and a wide assortment of other unhealthy foods. At 8 years old he is wider...
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    OUCH!!! The worst sports injuries you have ever seen

    haha one time at a middle school featherweight wrestling division a big tough dad got up and started going at the guy who was wrestling his son. He like chucked the kid into the air and stuff it was crazy.
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    Let's Talk Gay

    went through that stage, of course it was in 3rd or 4th grade but still :lol:. Then I basically just paid no attention to it for most of middle school, didn't really think about it. It's really weird I've liked this one chick since 3rd or 4th grade (odd that I can't even remember) until like...
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    Should the dying be allowed to take illeagal drugs?

    I realize this is getting off topic but I am a firm believer that all drugs should be liegalized once a person reaches a certain age. Once a person is an adult they should be able oto do anything they want with their body as long as it is not directly hurting someone else (this includes...
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    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread

    Re: The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread I really want to say something but Tink says this conversation is over. Bah I hate being right and not able to argue my point, escpecially if I can't get teh last word in. fine i'll stop but I wont like it. I don't know if this thread is strictly for...
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    You know you're getting old when...

    this conversation takes place Sarah (the little girl I babysat last night): when were you born? Me: 1991 Sarah: wow you're OLD. did they have cars back then?
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    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread

    Re: The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread Anna Nicole Smith was a topless dancer until she married a rich old dude for his money and waited until he died to inherit it. it's sad that she died but she is not someone who should be idolized. I guess it just bothers me that so many people are...
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    Should the dying be allowed to take illeagal drugs?

    saying that dope is dangerous in the wrong hands is true but the same is true for any other prescription drug. Someone could hypothetically take two pills one day and have an awesome trip and then start doing it daily. any drug is dangerous if not taken as prescribed. I've heard people argue...
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    Do women really just want a 'Mr Average'?

    for me i've spent my whole life around people who are in what I guess would be concidered upper class so most of the people I meet live an above average lifestyle. Of course i'm still in high school so out in the real world I will probably meet someone without 50,000,000 cars :rolleyes:. I...
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    Should the dying be allowed to take illeagal drugs?

    i understand that for some people they choose other medications and that's just fine. For some people though, they find mary jane to be more effective. allmaple it's not possible to get an extract in pill form becuase it needs to be cooked to release the THC. What many people who do not want...
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    Should the dying be allowed to take illeagal drugs?

    Speaking form the point of view of someone with at least five friends on medicinal marijuana I believe it should be legal. I don't see anything wrong with it in the first place but if the government is going to ban it's usage for recreational purposes they should make acceptions for the dying...
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    What got you hooked?

    well I liked the show then in high school my friend was obsessed with it so we got into a lot of CSI discussions and I started watchign it more, and more and well now im here.
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    Social Action/Petition

    Rebecca, San Jose CA
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    Let's Talk Gay

    *starts dancing with catherinewillows* Jounralism...haha...Looping Louie... Anyways I doubt that made any sense to anybody here. Homosexuality in no way displays weakness ebcause it takes courage for a lot of people to come out especially with people like Steve in the world.
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    Let's Talk Gay

    Yay Jayne's back! Are there any guys on this thread? I haven't seen any ever I dont think or at least in a really long time... Oh I decided I want to date a bi guy so I can watch him make out with other guys.
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    Anyone on Myspace?

    MeaggieD, we are supposed to press the edit button to post new posts instead of double posting. Would want to get in trouble with the Mods *runs and hides*, lol.
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    Let's Talk Gay

    ^ got that off my friend's myspace. I love that to death.