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  1. F

    Grade 'Can You Hear Me Now?'

    I gotta say that ultimately I really liked the season opener last night. I was disappointed that they didn't show any continuity from "Snow Day", but not surprised. That looks like NY's pattern so far. The case was really gruesome and by that I mean cool. It takes a sick imagination to kill...
  2. F


    A NY/LV crossover would totally kick! But I'd also settle with a Without A Trace crossover (very logical, no?) or a Simpson-ification of the NY crew. :lol: As for the rest of my wish list, it's basically to please flesh out Flack, Hawkes, Sid, & Adam!!!!!
  3. F

    Flack question

    Yes, Sammy11 I think cloning Flack would be an EXCELLENT idea. Then we wouldn't have to share him! Unless of course the Flack-clones turn out to be evil... TPTB definitely takes a lot of liberties with Flack's actual job description, but hey he gets more screentime this way, I'm not complaining.
  4. F

    Grade 'Snow Day'

    Ok, I've digested the ep a bit now, and can finally form some coherent thoughts about it aside from just 'guh'. The only thing I didn't particularly care for were the D/L scenes, but then I'm not a shipper. I know they made all the shippers happy so I don't mind too much. ;) One of the...
  5. F

    A question about next season

    Well, it's official, NY stays where it is. :cool: Unfortunately, I'll have to enter the "real world" so I'm going to have to change NY's time slot to my days off. My DVD-recorder and I are gonna get real close. *sniff* it'll take some adjusting to not watching NY on Wed at 10.
  6. F

    Grade 'Snow Day'

    Grade: A+ raised to the infinite power. This ep was so awesome I did not sit down once throughout the entire show, commercials included. Just like StellaMac said, at this point I'm just way too giddy to come up with a decent review. But that was freakin' amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D...
  7. F

    Grade '...Comes Around'

    Despite the obvious convenience of having Truby holding a trump card and wanting, no make that über-eager, to help Mac out, I would be lying if I said I didn't like this episode. It made me tachycardic, something that hasn't happened since "Raising Shane". As much as I knew that Mac would get...
  8. F

    The Ever-Declining Danny: Hot Or Not?

    Hmmm....being primarily a Flack fan, I've been naturally pleased with the fleshing out of Flack's character, but yes, I do miss the old Danny. He was witty, he was smart, he let his feelings get the best of him and all that good stuff. But, I have hope that S4 will bring him back after Mac...
  9. F

    Grade 'Cold Reveal'

    Although I agree that there was no bombshell revelation in last night's ep, I do think it was interesting to find out a bit more about Stella's past and her time in the foster care system. I also thought that the Cold Case cross over was cool and while I was annoyed at Danny Pino's character at...
  10. F

    Ratings: CSI:NY vs ...

    Hehe, there are more NY-er's than you think! I too hail from the Big Apple, and enjoy playing "name that location" when CSI:NY is on. Anyway, flackfan makes an excellent point about the Criminal Minds repeat, I'm sure NY suffered a bit without a new lead in. Too bad though, it was a good...
  11. F

    CSI:NY Not coming back??

    Yeah, and I wouldn't put too much stock in the Futon Critic fate to be determined article either. According to that list ALL the CSI's and every other big CBS hit has a fate yet to be determined. Only Survivor's been picked up again (and if that stays and NY goes, then I'll eat my hat). All...
  12. F

    Grade 'Past Imperfect'

    Ah, Flack, you always get the best lines. I thought his exchange with Mac was great! He always manages to remain dignified and not lose his temper like Mac did. Mega-props to that. Yeah, Mac was being a real hypocrite, but I suppose it's his turn to go under the microscope. Not just in the...
  13. F

    Grade 'What Schemes May Come'

    FLACK!!!!!!! Ok, now that I'm over that. I liked the ep, though with all the enemies Mac's starting to amass, I'm afraid he'll be going the way of Horatio Caine soon. Hehe. I was very intrigued by the juxtaposition of the two cases. On the one hand you have terminally ill people who just...
  14. F

    Grade 'A Daze of Wine and Roaches'

    Flack's one liner judging was the best part of this episode, but as others have mentioned he should've popped up again somewhere at the end. I'm sure Flack would've made the final interrogation scene with Danny and the cockroach worshiping radiology tech hilarious. Sigh, such squandered...
  15. F

    CSI NY The Forgotten Child

    LOL, I'm cracking up over the thought of seeing CSI:NY dubbed. So far I haven't had the chance, but I know it's always highly entertaining watching other dubbed shows when I visit Germany. I think CSI:NY should take a lesson from Fox, both the Simpsons and the X-Files have international clips...
  16. F

    I met Gary tonight!!!

    Wow that is really lucky! Congrats! I haven't even gotten to meet a minor celebrity here in NYC. :p
  17. F

    Eddie Cahill to Participate in Live CSI Files Chat Wednesday

    Re: Eddie Cahill to Participate in Live CSI Files Chat Wedne Hmm...I may actually be able to participate in this chat!! Yay!! But in case I can't I'll submit one question here. As a New Yorker, do you ever suggest some cool locations for filming the show? Eddie Cahill is so awesome and even...
  18. F

    Grade 'Sleight Out of Hand'

    Flack and Hawkes battling again! 'nuff said. I won't touch the D/L thing b/c I still haven't made up my mind about it. I'm feeling very schizophrenic regarding the whole thing. The "schoolgirl" part of my brain liked it in a cutesy kind of way. (Or maybe I just liked seeing Danny in that...
  19. F

    Grade 'Heart of Glass'

    I liked the episode well enough but I called the sister from the A case as the murder as soon as she told her story. First of all, from the previews you can see she was looking at the interrogation room mirror when she goes on the rampage, and second, at least to me, it was glaringly obvious...
  20. F

    What got you hooked?

    I got hooked after watching Crate 'n Burial when it aired during season 1. Can't really say why I missed the Pilot and Cool Change, but for some reason I did. Haven't missed an episode since. I do remember seeing commercials and telling myself I had to check the show out. Thank goodness CSI...