I watched The Illusionist a little while ago. I absolutely loved it. I am in awe of the whole magic genre. Edward Norton was brilliant as usual and the movie had a bunch of twists that made it so likeable. Jessica Biel and Paul Giamatti also gave great preformances .Now since I'm all into this...
Oo wow, totally loved this episdode. Much better than I would have expected it to be. There was just so many little things that made me laugh so hard!! The morgue scene with Grissom and Doc Robbins singing, probably stole the show for me. His musical autopsy report was just to die for (no pun...
Aww it sucks this show got the axe. I thought it was one of the more smarter comedies on tv, not to mention one of the funniest. Gob and Michael were always made me laugh.
Oh wow, I'm am so sorry to hear this. My condolences to her friends and family. She was definetly an inspiration, inspiring me to make my own art. Her artwork was some of the best I've seen on the web. I'll surely miss you, rest in peace.
Re: House # 2
Cool Thread.
Chase is awesome, in last night's episode he was so sweet and adorable. Especially when House was mocking him about his theories haha. :)
Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories
Totally agree with you guys on that. There definetly was something wrong with that few minutes before Snape killed Dumbledore. I mean right after Harry and him got back from the cave and Dumbldore was really weak, he told Harry to get Snape when he could have...
I watched Talladega Nights a couple days ago and it was so funny! Really liked the 'I'm on fire! I'm on fire!' and the trying to pry the knife out part. Haha Reeky Booby...