Search results

  1. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 Oh wow, this is kind of overwhelming guys! Thank you SO much for the hugs and the nice words and remembering me :lol: I bet you thought I might have lost my love for Jon but it was really just my real life issues that wouldn't let me post here anymore. I missed you guys...
  2. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 Aww, thanks :D It's good to be back! Sure, I can make you a wolf one! We need to add you to the baby animal zoo list, Raging4Ryan cos from now on you'll be known as baby wolf :D Ain't that cute? Oh, just saw the glasses pics that athlov posted! Jon looks so handsome with...
  3. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 Dutchie found my LiveJournal and left two comments there! She got one herself now and we're in contact again :D Eeeeeeeee! And; she's awesome like that! She can bring people back! :lol: Well, she told me I was missed around here and I wanted to post here again, so we made...
  4. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 It's a person! W00000t! Oh, yeah, it's ME :D Hi there! *waves* It's been a very long time, eh? It's good to see the Togoaholics Anonymous growing and doing so well! I used to post here a lot but real life kind of ruined that for me for a long time. Now I'm back! Um, I...
  5. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    Uuuuuuuuuuh... the 'Death Pool 100' walk without a doubt. So sexy! *drools uncontrollably again* 'From the Grave' was beautiful but nothing beats 'Death Pool 100'... yet :D
  6. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    OMG!!!! The sailor manip! :lol: EXCELLENT :D Totally made my day! :lol: I can't stop laughing!! Sailor... Popeye... ace. Just ace. :D
  7. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    Aww, I'm trying Mrs_Togo :D I can't just come here and not share pics I just found :D *hugs inge* I'm always trying to come here more often but work is keeping me extremely occupied. Hopefully I can post here more often. :) Awww :D I love that pic so much!!! Jon with glasses... sooooooo...
  8. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    Nope, just got these but they're so gorgeous :D I'm still drooling over them... he looks soooooooooooooooooooo incredible! It's unbelievable how much I love that man... GOD! lol You're welcome guys :D I LOOOOOOOOOVE sharing pics!!! :D
  9. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    Happy (belated) Birthday to all the Birthday Honeys :D And a very warm welcome to all the new Jon lovers here! I got a present for y'all... anyone want huge, beautiful new Season Five Promos? :D :D
  10. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR My first poll, bear with me :D I thought as long as we can vote on one title it's good. ;)
  11. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR It's poll time! Since no mod was willing to do it (:D jk folks!) I went ahead and... did it. Missed you too inge :) Hope you are well hun! :)
  12. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR No I don't have them... yet ;) Maybe later this week. I'm on getting them! :D (I think I know what pics you mean he he) And; you're welcome :)
  13. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR OMG SLOW MOTION....................... I'm SO dead!!!!! And back :D With pics! lol It seems like everytime I come back here I end up sharing pics :lol: I must be sick or something :D 100th Episode Party I 100th Episode Party II 100th Episode Party III 100th...
  14. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR Thanks MiamiDade :D :D And - you're welcome. I'll make more caps later. Mmmmm... I still understand him :D And I think the way he treated her was right. The ex-husband thing was harsh but that's Ryan. He's a little harsh with words sometimes. Maybe the writers...
  15. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR I'm here! Still alive! Not well, but alive :D Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah... so many thoughts on 'Rio'... I think I need to sort them, but... maybe some screencaps could help out here ;) We're back baby! You missed me? It's good to be back, eh? I missed my lab. And my fans to...
  16. togoholic

    A fun CSI:Miami poll!

    Yeah! Fun poll it is :D Best looking: Ryan and Calleigh. They're very, extremely, totally hot :D Calleigh and Alexx have the nicest personalities, although if I could have chosen 3 I would have also included Horatio in my vote. I love how he talks to children, as if they were little adults. I...
  17. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

    Oh yeah, please 'We lick Togo' :lol: That'd be a great thread title! :D
  18. togoholic

    Happy Birthday Togo

    Happy Birthday Jonathan! :) Lotsa fun and love for your big day I say :D And; please don't eat your cake like that... :D
  19. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

    I just wanna thank everyone who wished me a happy b-day! I'm a little overwhelmed right now so I can't write much... but I enjoyed the awesome pics and caption stories! You made me very happy guys!!!!! :) You're the best!!!!!!! :D
  20. togoholic

    Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

    Thankies girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I feel so loved :D SU2 pics!!!!!!!!!! ACE!!!!!!!!! :D Thanks so much, awwwwwwww! I'm going bonkers here :lol: I really love you guys! You're awesome! :) I'm gonna go off now, need some sleep! Have to party in a few hours! I'll take a lot of pictures from the...