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  1. Queenie

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    I know I would be back! I stopped watching when Melina left (it hurt too much to continue watching). She is my favourite. I think I would even buy the whole season on DVD if she came back only for couple of episodes! :lol: I've been trying to keep up with Melina after she left CSI:NY and I...
  2. Queenie

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Maybe they had a big fall out. I mean who would want Stella gone!? No one from the team I'm sure. At least it seems like it. If I was Mac I would feel hurt. I think it would be interesting to see how everyone would react if she came back. I think it would be a nice ending for the show if...
  3. Queenie

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    I totally agree! It hurts me and I think it's disrespectful how they seem to have forgotten her. Seems like those 6 years didn't mean anything. I've seen other shows respecting and remembering their previous cast members. Sadly CSI:NY isn't one of them. And Stella was one of the main...
  4. Queenie

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    I'm missing Melina/Stella sooooo freaking much already! But I'm so reliefed after hearing news about Stella's exit. Of course I'm still sad and upset to see Stella/Melina go but this is great news. All I wanted was that they don't kill Stella off. And now Stella gets the exit that she deserves...
  5. Queenie

    Melina Kanakaredes Leaves CSI: NY

    Marg Helgenberger I honestly believe that was the reason why Melina left. Pay cut rumours make sense now and if they offered Marg a pay cut I'm sure they offered Melina too. Marg is doing 19 episodes but Melina didn't take any deal. Read the Marg interview here...
  6. Queenie

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Hey there Smackies! So after recovering (not fully though) from the shock and devastation I'm here. Geeez...wau...okay...trying to figur out what to say here. My Smacked heart is in small pieces..but..there is still a faint beat and I think it won't die before this show is over or either Mac...
  7. Queenie

    Melina Kanakaredes Leaves CSI: NY

    I would love to be the fly as well! They're very close (at least that's what Melina has said) and they've been close for so many years. I'm sure Gary isn't taking this well either.
  8. Queenie

    Melina Kanakaredes Leaves CSI: NY

    No more Stella, no more Mac & Stella, no more CSI:NY. CSI:NY is done for me. I mean it. I don't even wanna know what kind of crappy storyline they come up with. :mad: Melina leaving just devastated me. I'm upset and angry. I'm not liking her decision but I respect her choice. Friday and...
  9. Queenie

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    I'm afraid we have some bad news people. :( Melina leaving CSI:NY. I'm just...speechless. Sad and upset and just...shocked. Can I cry now?
  10. Queenie

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Karlia & Lori K. Didn't torture myself much. I was very good at avoiding those evil scenes. ;) Well,there was this one other scene with Mac & Stella...and Peyton and then later Lindsay. Didn't notice any fondess. So I'm pretty sure the only fondness was the breakfast scene. But speaking of...
  11. Queenie

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Pam Veasey said that? :wtf: I might have to watch that episode again (please no) but the only scene with fondness was the breakfast scene. At least what I remember. But to be honest I might have missed out something because after that breakfast scene I had to watch rest of the episode with only...
  12. Queenie

    How would you fix CSI: NY?

    I voted 'I'm pretty disappointed with the season' . And I'm glad I'm not the only one. Because at some point during the season I thought "Is it just me or does this season suck?" . Well,not the whole season sucked because I liked these episodes *Death House *Second Chances *The Formula *Rest...
  13. Queenie

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    I think what happend in latest episode was very cruel from the writers. First we get awesome Smacked scene which got us up in the cloud 7 and then BOOM...we ended up in hell! Well,those who read spoilers knew what was coming but still...cruel! Don't get me wrong, of course I am happy about...
  14. Queenie

    Grade 'Point of View'

    STELLA!!! :bolian: That's what I was thinking and I'm now quoting myself.... Aubrey being just a friend makes Stella look one heck of a lover! :devil: :guffaw: So yeah I'm with you on that. Also little bit confused about this all.
  15. Queenie

    Grade 'Point of View'

    I never saw Stella and Peyton being friends. I don't think they have ever been close enough to be hugging each others. So I found it kinda weird and surprising. I never saw or felt them being close. I see Mac,Sid,Hawkes,Danny,Lindsay,Flack and Adam being much more closer to Stella than Peyton...
  16. Queenie

    Grade 'Point of View'

    Mac must have hit his head REALLY hard because...what the heck was that!? :wtf: Idea of the story was good. I liked the idea. But Mac being the one who spies the I thought Mac would be the last person who would do that. :shifty: It was kinda creepy actually. The scene...
  17. Queenie

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Awwww. She's so darn cute and hilarious!! I just love her. And she looked very very hot. :drool: And speaking of those breast cancer t-shirts... :drool: HOT! You can more pics from here
  18. Queenie

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    perlnoir Thanks for the pics of 6.22 Point of View I don't know what to think about this episode. I do love the fact that Stella is in Mac's apartment. I'm glad her friendship/relationship with Mac is not forgotten just because there's going to be Peyton and Aubrey around him already...
  19. Queenie

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    *tip toes back to the thread* I hate to be the party pooper but...she didn't sleep on Mac's couch or in his office. She slept in her own office. It was awesome scene though! I'm really glad they had that on this episode. I would've loved to see some jealous Stella as well on the hospital...
  20. Queenie

    Grade 'Rest in Peace, Marina Garito'

    Wau. Harsh. Okay, anyways... For me this episode was one the bests from this season! Also liked "Haunted House" and now this one. I've honestly thought that this season has been quite boring. +Case was interesting. +I always love Stella storylines. +I think Melina did a great job with this...