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  1. N

    The Official Pets thread

    I have a few pictures to share of my dog. Shes a bichon frise. :D I always think she looks like a bunny when she lays like this. :lol: Bunny Arms Here she is looking right at the camera Cutie She's looking slightly depressed. Or maybe just annoyed with me taking pictures. "Leave me alone!!"
  2. N

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    You got to see the Shins?! So jealous. I wish they would play somewhere near me :( I really want to get a Shins t-shirt. Did you get one?
  3. N

    Best Crime Thriller Movies

    I finished reading Silence of the Lambs and i'm thinking of renting it this weekend. Seeing that its the #1 Best Crime Movie makes me want to see it even more because i know it won't disappoint :D
  4. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    In honor of my camera finally being photos!! :lol: Really dumb expression but...meh. :lol: My attempt at being "artistic" Yes that is a Kurt Cobain toy. Does the obsession ever stop? :lol: I just noticed that i pucker my lips a lot when i take my picture. Odd.
  5. N

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I went to Wild Hogs last night, and i gotta say, it was a great movie. I found myself laughing out loud through a lot of it. All the actors were great, but i have to say seeing John C. McGinley play a gay patrolman was downright hilarious. I wish he was in more of the movie. The skinny dipping...
  6. N

    What's on your Ipod?

    Hm, thats really interesting. That's the first i've ever heard about Apple products being so dangerous to the enviroment. I will definitely have to check out other MP3's then. Thanks again for the helpful advice. :)
  7. N

    Worst Movies Ever

    I went and saw Epic Movie last night. HORRIBLE. I looked around the theater and thought "Hm, why are there so many 12 year old kids here?" and now i know why. I am a lover of the Scary Movies, this one was just childish. So obvious that it was made for 13 year old boys. And Crispin Glover as...
  8. N

    What's on your Ipod?

    Thanks for the information Showtime! I think i may wait for a while and let my Ipod die completely before i pay the money for a new one. I hear the newer Nano's have a longer battery life :D
  9. N

    What's on your Ipod?

    I have a quick technical question for any Ipod geeks out there :p Like i said in my previous post i have had my 2GB Ipod Nano since last Christmas and i'm noticing now that when i charge it fully it will only last about an hour or more of playing time before it is completely drained again. Is...
  10. N

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    Re: The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3 1.Cannibal Corpse-I Will Kill You 2.Children of Bodom-Bodom Beach Terror 3.Imogen Heap-Getting Scared 4.Hawksley Workman-Stop Joking Around 5.Imogen Heap-Goodnight and Go 6.Lords of Acid-Slave to Love 7.Mindless Self Indulgence-Shut Me Up...
  11. N

    Renewed/Canceled/Info shows

    Re: Renewed or canceled shows Aw, Reba is getting cancelled? I never really watched any of the new episodes but when i did catch a few of the newer ones they made me laugh. Did they give a reason why its going to get cancelled?
  12. N

    What's on your Ipod?

    My Nano has 391 songs :D I have all the Nirvana CDs on it, of course :rolleyes: The genre of the songs on my Ipod are rock/punk/death metal/indie, etc. I have had it for a year and it's pretty scratched up. I also have a few pictures on there too! I have about 4 of Eric Szmanda, 3 of George...
  13. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    He is about 3 or 4 years old :D He still looks like a puppy though. So cute :D
  14. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Thanks for the kind words everyone :D When my camera gets fixed i will definitely take some more pictures of my friends dog and put them in the Pet Thread :)
  15. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Hmm i think he's part Shitzu and Bichon Frise. Thats what my friend tells me at least. :D
  16. N

    your top ten pet peeves

    1.When i'm driving a friend around and they just all of a sudden change the song i'm listening to. I don't care if you don't enjoy my death metal. Suck it up. Its my vehicle. 2.When people see my Nirvana shirts and say "Oh, you like Nirvana?"....Why no i dont! I paid $35 for this shirt because...
  17. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Probably the sexiest faces two girls could ever make :lol: Random shot of myself. My friends puppy and me! And no, i'm not strangling him. I was simply making his head go in the direction of the camera. :lol:
  18. N

    Your Ringtones?

    For my calls i have Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana and for my texts i have the Addams Family Theme song :lol: It's awesome.
  19. N

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Ohhh i'm so excited to read your new story Wojo! Very cute picture by the way. :D
  20. N

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I just started reading Red Dragon by Thomas Harris. I'm going to read all of the Hannibal Lecter books. Then maybe i will be brave and watch the movies. :lol: