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  1. E

    Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

    In no particular order, Grissom, Nick, Danny, Flack, Warrick, Greg, and I can't believe none of y'all have mentioned HAWKES!
  2. E

    "Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

    Re: "Gum Drops" Discussion Thread ... no spoilers here I *LOVED* this episode so much. My significant other and I both cried at the end ... I loves me some Nick Stokes. I didn't know an episode without either Grissom or Brass could be this good. And let's hear it for Catherine's new...
  3. E

    Grade 'Grand Murder At Central Station'

    I enjoyed the episode but I am afraid I only gave it a B-. 1. The horn player in Grand Central Station could not possibly have used a cup that formerly contained lye as a money cup without getting lye all over his hands, and/or burning holes in the paper money. 2. I thought I heard someone say...