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  1. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Seriously, can you imagine Stella missing from a few episodes? Or Hawkes? Or Adam? Adam only became a regular character this season, but I'm 100% certain that if he disappeared for a few episodes now, viewers will be wondering what happened to him and where he went. Heck, before he was a...
  2. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Yeah, that was just one of many offensive things about the situation. After everything that's happened, she is still supposedly immaculate and faultless while Danny is the guilty lapdog who's done a big booboo and needs to grovel at her godly feet and make it up to her. :rolleyes: :rolleyes...
  3. Kimmychu

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    What was it Danny said? That all he needs is beer and chicken wings? :lol: Danny, so easy, in more ways than one. :p :devil: That's one of the most interesting dynamics of the Danny/Flack relationship. There have been examples of Flack being physically rough in the past, like the time Flack was...
  4. Kimmychu

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    I'm okay, my friend. :D Just been busy with lots of things lately! :lol: Amusement Park Boy! Yep, Danny will never live down playing with the swings at that playground, eh? But so did Flack! Does that make Flack an Amusement Park Boy too? Awwwww. :D Look at that. Flack doesn't smile like...
  5. Kimmychu

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    :lol: This is the second time Flack's made a dig at Staten Island, hasn't he? And it's the second time Danny got all puffed up about it too. The first time was in the season four premiere, and I clearly remember Danny saying something like a short, curt, "Hey!" when Flack poked fun at Staten...
  6. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    If that's the reason they're doing it, then TPTB has gone beyond lame and sunk into 'are you shi*tting me, seriously' levels. One excuse after another to accommodate a shallow, weak character. Hope you realize it reflects very heavily on you, TPTB, no matter what spin doctoring you're doing...
  7. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Count me in as another who thought the delivery of the confession line was :wtf:. That's the sort of thing I cannot stand watching at all. It completely ruins whatever effect the line was supposed to have for the scene, and not only that, it ruins believability too. In real life, people around...
  8. Kimmychu

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    Couldn't have been said better. :cool: Indeed, they only seem to come alive whenever they're with each other ... especially when they're alone. :devil: Have you guys noticed that? Sometimes they seem to key down when there's someone else in the scene with them, but the instant it's only them ...
  9. Kimmychu

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    I sure do! Here's Danny yipyapping to Flack as Flack writes his report, and juuuuust about to sit on Flack's desk. This scene proved once and for all that Flack is left-handed. And ya know, that he lets Danny plunk that bubblebutt onto his desk in full view of everyone else. :lol: :devil...
  10. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    If I remember right, it's actually been discussed a few times in the previous WLMG thread. An article mentioning that Carmine and Belknap had deliberately bumped into each other was posted, and there was some amusement over it since, before that article, TPTB had published/made statements that...
  11. Kimmychu

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    Heads up, the link CSINYMIA000 posted for that This Is Not A Test video has a virus. One visitor who clicked on it claims it gave his computer a virus called a 'pro anti virus 2009' and he had to get his computer fixed. I've removed the link for the safety of everyone's computers.
  12. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Those were speculations I was told by other viewers about the impression she leaves on people. They're speculations, yeah, but it's also telling there are people who have even considered those things to begin with. If it was me and I had no idea I was giving off such an impression and it was...
  13. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    For anyone interested about the theater award Anna Belknap won in 2002, it's the Craig Noel Award, handed out by the San Diego Theater Critics Circle. According to the SDTCC website, it's 'an independent, nonprofit organization of print and online theater critics dedicated to open and honest...
  14. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Aww! What a sweet thing of him to say about Jacqueline Pinol! Thank you for posting about that and letting us know about it. :) It's not the first time he's praised Ms. Pinol's performance either. He's also done so in one of his most recent interviews with CSI Files. This is what Carmine said...
  15. Kimmychu

    Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

    Yes, I bring screencaps from episode 5x06! :D Flack passing Danny his jacket! Don'tcha just love Danny's expression there? All googly-eyed. :lol: I can't think of reasons why Flack would have Danny's jacket apart from the ones Top41 listed above either. :devil: Even if it really was just...
  16. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    She was in a show called Medical Investigation which was canceled after one season. I believe she was the PR person of the team, and as far as I remember, she didn't do much emoting there either. Mostly she just stood in one corner of the room whenever there was a meeting and nodded and 'read...
  17. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    :lol: Yeah, I know. I was only casually commenting on the cost because I was researching college fees in the US a while back. I had expected the cost of such an acting program to be much higher. Is it the norm that the higher the fees are, the better the school is supposed to be? It's the...
  18. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    :lol: You're not the only one who's wondered that. For those interested, this is the MFA course she studied, at the American Conservatory Theater. The fees are US$16,460 per year, which is cheaper than a lot of Masters courses I've come across. Heck, a graduate course in writing at an...
  19. Kimmychu

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    The irony is, TPTB will have to leave Lindsay out of a number of episodes due to Belknap's maternity leave. So regardless of the pregnancy plot being there or not, she's still gonna be vamoos for a while. That's why it's hilarious TPTB claims she'll be 'getting background development' ... while...
  20. Kimmychu

    Grade 'Enough'

    I love you. :cool: You beat me to it! :lol: Danny without glasses was somewhat odd. His glasses are such an integral part of his character, ya know? Removing them is like Danny changing from his tieless suits to his current, uhm, fashion. If TPTB's doing this in some desperate effort to make...