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    NCAA Football

    Booya! I knew it!....But the whole Cotton Bowl...can we just forget that?...along with Notre Dame's whole season?...Well, at least the Fightin' Tigers pulled it out! Victory for LSU!
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    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Hey, y'all, I'm back...I'm thinking about doing a crossover fic with Sandle, but, I'mm backlogged and to make the one in my head make sense would take some work...considering it's a crossover with the Tonks/Lupin ship from Harry Potter. But do y'all think it's a good idea? Other than that I've...
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    From the Mouth of High School

    This was a slow, stressful week! Monday, December 10, 2007 Algebra -Mrs Perry: I gave you d-hall, Blake. -Blake E: Why? -Mrs Perry: Because you didn't let Ashley hit you the other day. -Blake E: ...What? -Mrs Perry: I didn't give you d-hall, Blake. -Blake E: Oh... -Blake E: Okay, I'm...
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    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 Well, I had a good go 'round in this. But, I'd like to say that zooming any farther would have messed up the actual focus of the camera and made it blurry and there was a pile of briars, vines and possibly copperhead snakes between me and that garbage. We were...
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    From the Mouth of High School

    Okay, now I've got a folder with covers...I'm so happy! Monday, December 3, 2007 Algebra -Blake E: If I knock myself out, will I get d-hall for sleeping? -Mrs Perry: Yes. -Blake G: What if I knock him out? -Mrs Perry: Then he'll get d-hall for sleeping, and you'll get d-hall for knocking...
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    NCAA Football

    Let's see, Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl and LSU playing for the BCS Championchips, awesome! This is great!
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    NCAA Football

    Wow, did beating LSU really jump Arkansas up into the top 25? Amazing.
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    NCAA Football

    Man, that was amazing, we shut that game off because we didn't think Hawaii could come back. Hey, hey, hey, look who moved back up to number 2 and is a possiblity for the national championchips...LSU.
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    NCAA Football

    Oops, I just realized that I continued to say UGa when it was really Tennessee that played LSU...but I got the outcome right! Go fightin' tigers!
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    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    (for the record, I am a nut, so I do love them...the cake was delicious...looking) Know what? I'm out of Sandley comments. I can only say that when (not if, when :D ) she'll have saw the error of her ways and jettison into Greg's arms and they will be happy and in love and...that's about it.
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    From the Mouth of High School

    You know, something like that happened to me and my best friend (read as: partner in almost-crime), Amy. Allow me to set the scene... In a small town in Arkansas there was a mostly empty lunchroom with only a table of weirdos, most of the teachers, a few scattered seventh graders and the...
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    NCAA Football

    Bloody heck! What's this world coming to?! Houston Nutt was hired by Ole Miss, he's staying in the flippin' SEC! Come on Ole Miss, what's the deal?...You know, this means that we'll face Houston Nutt as an opponent next year...bwa ha ha ha ha! I'll just stay in my little SEC obsessed bubble...
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    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Okay, I got my email notification that that fic had been updated. That was one heck of a birthday present. That's some awesome writing. Dani, I caught you. I'm sixteen now, too. Thanks for the clarification of the Greg-Grissom-whatever-thingimabobber. Ah, those pictures make me yern for the...
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    NCAA Football

    He's gone!!!!!!!!! As of 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time, Houston Nutt will be resigning his position as head coach of the University of Arkansas Razorbacks! Whooo! ...Hey, this means that maybe I can start cheering for the Hogs again, good thing I still know the fight song... Hit that line, hit...
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    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Oh, wow, Skell's fic and Eva's picture, they totally brightened my mood. 'Course, the fact that tomarrow's my 16th birthday doesn't hurt anything :D I'd work on a new fic, but I think I'll finish up that other fic with the characters based on me and my friends...that I don't remember the name...
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    From the Mouth of High School

    Oh man, I've got lots to post. I was on vacation...sorry. Monday, November 5 Before School My 7th grade brother, Zach, and 2 7th grade girls are putting up the flag -Me: This reminds me of a joke: How many 7th graders does it take to screw in a light bulb? -Zach: Three! -Me: But, you're...
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    NCAA Football

    Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Why can I never pick a winner!?!?! Not only did that infernal Houston Nutt win against the number one team, but Georgia lost to Tennessee, thus RUINING my SEC predictions. Hmm...this is quite the quandry, Arkansas lost to Tenessee and beat LSU, yet I still...
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    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Diddly-doo...I've had a pretty sucky time with my ships lately...okay some background here, I pick losing things. When I watch horse racing the horse I pick usually comes in dead last. I picked the obvious LSU over Arkansas this weekend and somehow Arkansas managed to beat the number one team (I...
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    NCAA Football

    Yes! LSU rocks! Well, it's not like Arkansas had a chance against them in the first place. Not with Houston Nutt running the show. Although, I will say that hearing "Rocky Top" was a little bitter after hearing Tennessee whoop the Hogs...but go Tigers!
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    From the Mouth of High School

    This was an interesting week...but not verbally. It was Red Ribbon week so every day we (teachers included) could dress up like what it said on the announcements. Monday was Pink Day (Pink Out Drugs and Breast Cancer) Tuesday was Pajama Day (I heard Blake E and Kaleb T were planning on buying...