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  1. L

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    Poof! Grissom! Ta Daa! I think he's easier to draw with the beard than without.
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    Holy smokes, I was looking over the posts and I just realized, Charisma and I were in Vegas at the same time! I was on a bus and the people there said they ran into Paris Hilton the day before. That's freaky. I got to go in November for a family wedding and my, is Vegas incredible. Only if...
  3. L

    CSI clothes....

    If you ever get to go to Vegas, they have clothes everywhere there. The best thing they have there are the hats though. Got my friend one with the LVPD logo on it.
  4. L

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    More awesome hatness! It's not quite done, but the hat just had to be shared. Obey the Hat
  5. L

    Law And Order:SVU....Favorite Character?

    The L&O and Homicide crossovers were just amazing, and how funny was little Kenny from the first seaoson of SVU calling Brisco "Uncle Lenny". So cute. :lol: Was there only one SVU/TBJ crossover? I know Munch shows up once, hands over a folder and leaves, not much of a crossover if you ask me...
  6. L

    Funny gif and pic Thread ***Possible 56 Warning!***

    *sniff* OMG, I'm in tears from the "I'm watching you" one. That was the funniest thing I've seen in about a month. (Okay, so I'm lying, but that was freakin hilarious)
  7. L

    Law And Order:SVU....Favorite Character?

    Hmmm, since the SVU fans seem to be congregating here, I'll ask this question here too. (Sorry mods, it's not character related, but I'll get back on track afterwards, I promise.) I noticed the door to the squadroom has a nice shatter mark on one if it's glass panels. It's present halfway...
  8. L

    Law And Order:SVU....Favorite Character?

    Yessssss, he just plain rocks. Unfortunately, they took Homicide off the air before I was old enough to watch it. (I'm 16 now.) I just wish my local Blockbuster had the DVDs... *pouts* Munch just makes me laugh so much. I weirded out my mom because I laughed at one of his lines that was...
  9. L

    Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

    *sneaks in and steals all the guys' sunglasses* :devil: BTW, that's a sweet pic of the guys. :D *sneaks out*
  10. L

    Law And Order:SVU....Favorite Character?

    *high fives saraholic and drkate* :D drkate, both your icons had me laughing so hard my parents gave me strange looks. :lol: They're both awesome. :) Share the Munchkins love. :) If you love his character, you have to watch him in "Homicide: Life on the Street". Not only does he have a...
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    Talk Law & Order Here

    Re: Talk Law & Order Here. Hee hee, I love the quotes in your sig. That's funny. :D There's an SVU marathon starting at 1 PM eastern time on USA on Sunday the 21st. Check it out. :D
  12. L

    The Official Bobby Dawson/Gerald McCullouch

    Find me some amazing shots of Bobby D or Gerald and I'll make banners right away. :D
  13. L


    Re: Det Vartann Ha ha, and if Cavaliere did have those lines, Nicky would pop in for no reason other than to sock him in the face. (I was so waiting for that to happen in 'Compulsion', oh well...) It would be just as awesome if Vartann caught Cavaliere being a jerk and totally chewed him out...
  14. L

    Law And Order:SVU....Favorite Character?

    *gives Cat a high-five* Woo hoo, show some minor charcter love! I absolutely love Fin and Munch. They're so darn funny. Best exchanges I've ever heard. ("He's my Jew" OMG, I was howling.) I'm just the opposite of you Woozy. I swear every single show I've watched the character I've fallen...
  15. L

    Funny gif and pic Thread ***Possible 56 Warning!***

    Those true friends ones are just screaming to be made into Hallmark greeting cards. :lol:
  16. L

    The Official Bobby Dawson/Gerald McCullouch

    Start a support group! :D The Bobby D support group. It has a nice ring to it. ;)
  17. L


    Re: Det Vartann He seeems like a Scott to me, I dunno. Scott or a Drew maybe. Nah, I like Scott. Alex is nice though. :D Gosh, it makes me want to know now. Especially that little 'married' bit from "Iced". 3 minor characters I want elaborated on in no particular order: David the...
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    Talk Law & Order Here

    Re: Talk Law & Order Here. Hmmm, I didn't see a Millander lookalike on SVU, but there are a TON of actors from CSI that show up in SVU. There's too many for me to name them all, but an obvious one is the kid from '4x4' who stuck his friend in the dryer (he played an abused kid in "Sick") I...
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    Re: Det Vartann They're stretched for me too VerityKindle. Even the resizing box on the picture doesn't help it.
  20. L

    CSI Bumpersnickers

    Hee hee, those aren't lame. H does love his Hummer though, perfect for him.