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  1. M

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    ^I think it is going to be a happy ending. I mean this season has had a lot o gloom and doom. And the whole arc has been Grissom getting back to the light so why bring him back down. Furthermore, on JF last ep GBGL I read or heard somewhere that they originally had a much darker ep set up as her...
  2. M

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    mayne you gotta love how subtle the GSR can be at times. The convo at the end with Cat was great, Griss is seem more to himself he has a lil swagger bag. Moreover, who peeped out when Griss walked into the private poker spot that they said "you're 2 year to late" So I guess we can imply that he...
  3. M

    "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Natalie is an amazing character. I got a chill when they played the mcsk msuic its been a while since ive heard that creepy ole tune. Also, nice mention of facebook, I as a younger viewer loved it.
  4. M

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    Re: the DR email... I think him putting in caps the "their not in love" means 2 things. First, LH and Grissom aren't going to end up together. So sorry to any looney person out there who thought that might happen. Second, if we go back to The Happy Place ep Griss said sex without love is just...
  5. M

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    I thought the episode was very good for what it was,a depressing 1 hour of television. Like WP or JF said in that interview a while back its always darkest before the dawn. And boyyy has Grissom hit the low point. He was just snapping at everyone Cat, Nick, even LH. He's not able to hold it...
  6. M

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    It's 1AM west coast time so I'm not gonna bother with a spoiler box. Mayne I thought the episode was good and very heavy. One of those episodes I need to watch a couple times to fully absorb it all. Them in the bed was very intersting, I felt Sara was trying so hard to give and Griss just would...
  7. M

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    I love Sara Goldfinger. Her writing is always so innovative and usually on the dark side. I think CSI is at its best when it goes down the path less traveled. She keeps me on my toes, because she adds very small details in her episodes that true fans really love.
  8. M

    Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

    I think the scores avg is still low bcz a lot of us are playing as guests and not logging in and setting up an acct
  9. M

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart seattle thanks for the JF interview, that is probably the best one of I've ever seen of her it was a good mix of stuff @ the show and her personally
  10. M

    "A Thousand Days on Earth" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Overall I thought the episode was good. I loved the quietness of the episode, it made me internalize the episode much more. I like that CSI got a lil political between Hodges and Catherine. Cat's arguemnt was quite true the majority of the missing persons that are seen on TV are attractive white...
  11. M

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart desertwind I don't think Sara will be back this season, the damn strike through everything off. As someone mentioned above, sorry I can't remember who, finale will be case ends and griss is waiting at the airport for "someone" or he'll be at...
  12. M

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart Alright quick post.....I loved the episode it was a great mix of humor and a good case. The lil DDA was a bit annoying and in the end when she called him Gilbert I got defensive, only one person calls him Gilbert and thats Sara..."Hello...
  13. M

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    The poem was from the dead guy to the bull. But I mean this is a Rambo episode so I do not think it was any mistake that Griss read the poem and it is easily applicable to his relationship with Sara. The whole I will be your cowboy in the sunset when you are ready......And my God he seemed so...
  14. M

    "Bull" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The episode was okay. Not one of my favs but it did have some good points in there. Hodges and the "more cowbell" was great that was one of my fav sketches on SNL and he even said in CW voice!!!!!
  15. M

    "Goodbye & Good Luck" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Jasmine if you have Comcast cable they usually have it available on-demand.
  16. M

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    sidlewannabee I'm not holding up to well. I didn't realize how much I really loved Sara. Obviously the GSR is great but Sara just adds that something extra. I literally had to watch Butterflied just to get through the day.......It's sad I know!
  17. M

    "Goodbye & Good Luck" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I liked the episode! The more I think about it and after watching it for a second time I think TPTB did a good job. Sara was just through with everything and JF did a great job of showing that. After watching this you see how much Sara has changed and in the end has really stayed the same. I do...