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    "Built To Kill Part 1" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Agreed. It didn't really get exciting until the last 15 minutes or so.
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    From the Mouth of High School

    Haha. Nothing this funny happens at my school
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    This episode: The "web exclusive" video is the kiss.
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    CSI: 3 Dimensions Of Murder (Voice Contributions)

    Ha I know. When I first heard it, I thought I was going crazy, but then I had my mom listen to it, and she said it didn't sound like her either...
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    AmeliaPeabody, A lot of the Degrassi episode are available free, to stream on and (don't worry guys) it's legal
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    I just went to Warped Tour on 6/23! And my friend had this VIP pass, so during TAI's set, we got backstage for one song! And met Sonny Moore! And I got a crapload of autographs, and got trampled to death during Motion City's set
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Yes Manny did get pregnany, with Craigs baby. She got an abortion. This happened in the episode Accidents Will Happen Part 1 & 2. Emma, kind of supported her, saying that its Manny's choice because the baby is in her body and not Craigs. This was in season 3, which is now out on DVD,
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    CSI: 3 Dimensions Of Murder (Voice Contributions)

    Thanks! Soundalike for Catherine on the show?
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    CSI: 3 Dimensions Of Murder (Voice Contributions)

    I recently got the new CSI game, 3 Dimensions Of Murder and thought that Sara's voice sounded weird. I checked the Credits (found via the Main Menu on the game) and the voice of Sara Sidle is done by Kate Savage. Now, I thought Cath's voice basically sounded like her, but maybe a little off...
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I've been a Semma (Sean/Emma) Shipper for a while. And he still loves her. (If you've seen the "Degrassi Minis" aka the "Webisodes" via Paige/Spinner is kinda cute though. Although I haven't been too fond of Spinner since the shooting and seeing the episode "Pride"
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    Ups and Downs for the Day

    Down: Got my glasses Up: Getting stuff for my job finalized
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I love Craig also. He's hott.
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    Crossing Jordan

    Theres been some rumors of it being cancelled after this season. Which I hope times 2574510478 there not true
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    Crossing Jordan

    About Jordans brother: In the episode O, Brother Where Art Thou? he comes into play and Jordans father, herself and her brother are wanted in questioning for a murder in Jordans apartment. The person murdered was an old cop friend of Jordans father. Anyway, her brother, I think his name is...
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    Crossing Jordan

    It was repeated on A&E a few weeks ago.
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    Anyone on Myspace?

    I added everyone. Mine is at
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    Who has a LiveJournal?

    I have a LJ! If you add me (please do) comment on the FO banner so that I know who you were and not some random stalker.
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    I am very jealous right now. I wanted to go to that concert!
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    Hill Harper

    The answer to my question was priceless.
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    CSI books.

    you might be able to get them off