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  1. N

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Aloha from Down Unda! :cool: Okay! :eek: Tanx fer the Welcome Wagon! :) It waz reel hard tah find :( but smelt yer cookies! Dey iz ok but mine iz 'beta' :D *** sheesh wota loada 'brokeback' toadz*** Gotta she it loada info & pleny 'Calei' pix fer da albums! :p Datz dabess reason tah...
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    Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

    :cool: Okay! Tanx! :D I tink I'ma learnin' :confused:! Jes so much tah peek up on! Kinda 'odd', huh? Yah gotta be some kine genius tah figger out who, what, where, when, how n why! :eek: :( :rolleyes: [But only 97 mo mistakz tah go!!] :)
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    Shipper Central Welcome and Suggestions Thread

    Re: Shipper's Central Questions Thread :cool:Tanx, eh?!'s becoming clearer :eek:& clearer :(, ummmm! Everything's easy when ya know how! :rolleyes:
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    Shipper Central Welcome and Suggestions Thread

    Re: Shipper's Central Questions Thread Aloha From Down Unda! :cool: Justa little confused & need some hep...where can I learn some terms like "ship" & "spoiler"? :eek: I'm old, :( feeble, :confused: new to this CSITalk but LOVE CSI of all cities & most parcial to the original Las...
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    it official.. the world hates me

    Aloha from Down Unda! :cool: The world :devil: does hate you but Christ loves you to count your blessings & ignore the rest! :rolleyes: 'Luck' is of the devil & Providence is of God! Christmas is coming, your computer is working (albeit slow) & your teachers really ARE trying to help you...
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    Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

    :cool: Aloha from Down Unda! Really great pictures! Thanks for sharing!
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    :cool: Can I jes stop by to make a favorable remark about how nice your avatar loox!? :) I'm jealous & only need 97 more posts to even get one :D
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    Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

    Aloha from Down Unda! Help :confused: please...must I read & reply to 98 more of diz kinda 'lovey dovey' or do I need to come up with my own 99 subjects to post before I git tah enter an Avatar? I'm still feelin my way round here & could use all the help I kin git! :( Tanx :)