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  1. Kreguba

    A Lab Halloween Party!

    Hey everybody! Due to Halloween being right around the courner, over on the Mac/Stella thread in the Shipper Central, we started discussing what costumes we would like to see the New York team in. Since it doesn't pertain to the ship, that discussion was stopped over there, but I'd like to see...
  2. Kreguba

    Ship Names

    Not sure if this has been done before, if it has, someone please tell me. I need someone to explain the various ship names that appear across the three shows. I've been watching NY for about six months, and LV about two. But I'm still a little fuzzy on the various pairings. So if some one...
  3. Kreguba

    Danny's Dogtags

    What's the deal with Danny's dog tags? Nothing I've read has stated he was in the military, so why does he wear them? :confused: Or are they Carmine's and he wears them for personal reasons? I don't know much about the actors, just their characters. ;)