Search results

  1. Gaelen

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Welcome to the 22nd D/L thread! Celebrating the love of our love-deserving couple, Danny (sexy man) Messer and Lindsay (kick-ass) Monroe! :D There may be storm clouds over our heads at the moment, but we'll stick it out through the storm with our uber-strong umbrellas! For better or for worse...
  2. Gaelen

    The International Thread

    Welcome all to the brand spankin' new (and undoubtedly shiny) new International Thread to celebrate the world's love of CSI :) Formerly the Non-US Peeps thread in CSI:NY, we've relocated to Misc (due to the fact that we have trouble staying on topic no matter where we go). Please vote in the...
  3. Gaelen

    The Gender Poll ~ Which are you?

    For delightful research purposes, let's survey the gender distribution of TalkCSI. You know your gender (hopefully). So let's get this thing going :) Oh, and please don't be cheeky and vote for the opposite gender. There really is a point to this. ;)
  4. Gaelen

    Waterboarding - Should it be allowed?

    On March 8, 2008, President Bush vetoed legislation that would ban the CIA from using harsh methods of interrogation including waterboarding. So there is no confusion; Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing a person on their back with the head inclined downward (the...
  5. Gaelen

    Amidst The Smiles And Laughter

    Title: Amidst The Smiles And Laughter Author: Gaelen Kerr Fandom: CSI:NY Pairing: Danny/Lindsay Genre: Family/Romance Rating: T Summary: Danny comes home to a view that can't possibly bring anything less than a loving smile to his face. Disclaimer: I own nothing...
  6. Gaelen

    No Reason (A post 4x13 D/L fic)

    Title: No Reason Author: Gaelen Kerr Fandom: CSI:NY Pairing: Danny/Lindsay Genre: Romance Rating: T Summary: It's when you don't need a reason that you realise how important they are. Disclaimer: I own nothing. Warning: Spoilers for 4x13. -----------------------------------------------------...
  7. Gaelen

    NY Crimelab Shifts

    It may be just me, and if it is, my apologies, but can someone please shed some light onto how shifts in CSI:NY works? They seem to work both night and day and at all hours, unlike the other two shows where there's a set shift time (I'm assuming). Do their shifts change on a daily basis or is...
  8. Gaelen

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Their smiles like stars; dazzling and brilliant. Their embrace strong; held together like chains of steel. Their love pure; like the clearest diamond. A warm and wishful welcome to Danny and Lindsay's 20th thread; celebrating, basking and enjoying the love they undoubtfully share. May this...
  9. Gaelen

    That Smile (D/L Oneshot)

    Title: That Smile Author: Messermonroe Show: CSI:NY Pairing: Danny/Lindsay Rating: K+ Genre: Romance/Drama Summary: In that smile, he saw his love. With that smile, she stole his heart. Disclaimer: I own nothing. Any recognised characters are property of their owner. I am merely using them for...