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  1. June_85

    Finally Season 6 comes to the UK

    It seems like forever since NY and LV finished, with the writers strike taking the UK inline with the US airings it seems as though we have been waiting for ever for Miami to start. I had a look on Digiguide Library this morning and 6X01 is due to air on Tuesday 5th August at 9pm. :D Finally...
  2. June_85

    :: Concert for Diana ::

    Has anyone been watching it? I didn't think it would be much cop, but I've been lovin' it I've been getting a tad excited about the guest presenters, Ryan Seacrest most of all. I had nooooo idea he was going to be there :D Looking forward to Take That and the Joseph and the Amazing...
  3. June_85

    Spice Girls

    So, within the next hour the Spice Girls should be announcing a one off tour for later in the year? Is anyone a fan/was a fan :lol: Is anyone planning to attempt to get tickets. The ticket allocation is going to be a lottery. Spice Girls announce reunion tour The band won four Brits...
  4. June_85

    Brothers & Sisters

    Has anyone watched this new show? It starts over in the UK tomorrow night, and I'm tempted to give it a go. Is it any good? Although I still may tune in to drool over Rob Lowe for an hour :lol:
  5. June_85

    Question Re: Opening Credits

    This is something that has been bugging me for a while. I dunno if anyone will know, or if anyone is as sad as me who's thought about it as much as I have LMAO I always wondered what the relevance of the 'and' or 'with' credit some actors have in the opening credits. Ie: Paul Guilfoyle, Rory...
  6. June_85

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    SO Season 3 starts tomorrow night on Channel 5 here in the UK and there seems to be very little mention of it here the NY Forum. LV Forum has a Thread for discussion of the British Airing of Season 7. I thought it might be a good idea to have it for NY aswell, for the British audience to...