Search results

  1. GrissomFREAK

    CSI "Ending Happy" opening music

    Any idea what's the title of the song that was used right at the beginning of the episode, when we see Happy fighting and having fun with the hookers?
  2. GrissomFREAK

    The Riches (Mondays @ 10pm on FX)

    Has anyone watched that one? What did you think of it? It was pretty funny. I believe this show's got a promising future. The supporting cast looks great. I especially enjoyed watching Minnie Driver as the ex-con drug addicted mom who seems totally out of her element in this gated wealthy...
  3. GrissomFREAK

    Ugly Betty - best new comedy on TV!!!!

    This show is so awesome. It's hilarious. Take this week's episode ... 3 lines I just can't seem to get out of my head :lol: "I don't like nuts!" (Constance) "Naaaaaaacho! / It's my pet name. I think she wants to eat me." (Ignacio) "Aww, cool it, bagpipes!" (Wilhelmina to Christina) I was...
  4. GrissomFREAK

    "Sin never sleeps" trade ad

    Do you know where I can find an HiRes version of the "Sin never sleeps" ad? This is the only version I could find -on eBay
  5. GrissomFREAK

    "Sin never sleeps" trade ad

    csiMerch-ML-1044094-ML- To: Merchandise
  6. GrissomFREAK

    CSI: NY 3x02 "Not what it looks like" autopsy room song

    I'm looking for the song we hear when Peyton and the other guy (sorry I don't know his name) are examining the mummies ... any ideas? :confused:
  7. GrissomFREAK

    CSI: "Built To Kill Pt 1" other song -not John Mayer

    Any idea what's the title of the song playing when Warrick is examining the barrel of the gun (15-16 minutes into the epi) ... it rocks!- can't take my mind off of this tune ever since I've heard it :rolleyes: Heeeeeeellllllllp! :D Went on Shanshu and Elyse's sites. Nothing yet.
  8. GrissomFREAK

    CSI Las Vegas cinematography / photography / visuals

    I felt that this particular aspect of the show deserved to be mentionned -and I hope this is the right place. I believe that among the many reasons why CSI is so successful and appealing to viewers all around the world, cinematography / photography / visuals rank pretty high (after of course...
  9. GrissomFREAK

    Grissom montages

    Following Destiny's advice -and I hope I did the right thing, I decided to start a thread here, instead of posting my compositions in the WP/Grissom pictures thread :rolleyes: Being a HUGE Grissom fan, and having a little time on my hands :rolleyes:, I thought this could be fun. I used...
  10. GrissomFREAK

    Season 4 & 5 DVD's menu music

    Does anyone know what music is heard during the menus of season 4 and 5 DVD's ? Thanks :)