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  1. S

    Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: The Abortion Discussion

    a·bor·tion –noun 1. Also called voluntary abortion. The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Are you pro-choice, one who supports or advocates legalization of abortion, or pro-life, one who is opposed to abortions? I'm pro-choice. I believe that there...
  2. S

    Gun Control

    The thread on Virginia Tech was beginning to lead to a discussion on gun control, a subject people obviously have very strong opinions about. Do you think gun control laws are too lax, too rigid, or good how they are? If you're not happy with them, why not, and what would you do to fix them? If...
  3. S

    Creationism vs. Evolution

    This issue of The Economist is an especially good one to check out. Its got columns on pretty much everything, ranging from Corruption in China to Google Click to the Virginia Tech massacre. The first one that caught my eye, however, was the headline God vs Darwin: this time it's global. I...