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  1. S

    What episodes contain Luminol?

    For a large school project I have to do a lot with Lumiol, since I've been a CSI: (LV) fan since forever I'd love to use some fragments and examples from the show... I remember one where Grissom sprayed a golf club case? and it lit up fully, I just don't recall which episode this was.. If...
  2. S

    GSR: Hourglass

    Chapter 1; Cabernet Sauvignon and tears It was a sunny afternoon like so many others. In Las Vegas, the skies were rarely clouded. Sara Sidle was driving home after work, although she worked nights, she never came home before noon. While listening to her favorite music, she steered the large...
  3. S

    Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle

    This fiction is going to take the reader back in time. We are going back to the time when Sara Sidle was in highschool, at the age of fifteen, my age. I will use my ideas and experiences of my, sometimes depressing, life as a source of inspiration. The only one we know from CSI is going to be...
  4. S

    GSR - The only thing I need is you

    This is my second fic, so please don’t expect too much from my writing skills. After having said that, I will write this fic with SaraSullivan, I hope an experienced writer can make up for my poor writingskills and make this story interesting. I will write the Grissom side of it and SaraSullivan...