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  1. S


    I just knew you would like "Recipe for Revenge". And it's true that Jack Brannigan has Vartann-things. Or is it the other way round, 'cause Jack was already there, when Vartann wasn't even created. Am I making any sense ?? Well, let's just say that Alex is just Alex in whatever role he's in !!
  2. S


    Thanks for the pictures ! I live in the Netherlands and we only have CSI and some old eps of Due South. The only way I get to see Alex more is to search for DVD's of the other shows. But unfortenately they are hard to get. Does anyone know if Task Force: Kaviar is out on DVD ? I searched the net...
  3. S


    hhunter: The funniest part is (but that's my opinion) when he's helping Carly at the party with all the women. (They're baracuda's and they want him "the full monty"). ;)
  4. S


    Thanks ! :)
  5. S


    Pictures ????? Where ????? 'cause there's almost nothing (and I can skip the almost) to find about Alex Carter on the internet. :( I'm open for any suggestion ! :)
  6. S


    I have the movie "Recipe for Revenge" on DVD. I think it's a really funny movie. Alex plays a detective who does anything to protect a witness (who he fell in love with). There are very funny scenes in it !! Anyone else saw this movie ?
  7. S


    Yes you're right. The episode is called Dead end on Blank street. I used to watch The Sentinel when it was on tv in my country. Richard Burgi is also one of my favourit actors. Alex and Richard also play together in Point Pleasant. I only know this serie by name because unfortunately it was...
  8. S

    Det. Vartann

    Thanks. This site is a little bit of a puzzle for me right now, but I'm a fast learner !!
  9. S

    Det. Vartann

    Hi, I'm new here and first of all I have to say that this is a great site !! I'm a CSI (Las Vegas) lover from the very first beginning. One of my favourite persons is Det. Vartann. In my country (The Netherlands) they are started broadcasting now season 6 episodes. Has Vartann vanished in CSI ...