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  1. M

    Criminal Minds

    OH I LOVE YOU!! Twice in one day you've made me run around my room! That screen cap go me incredibly excited! *mwah* (i am hopefully going to be able to view the finale soon - thank to Lyn) And yes, i do like the idea that people working together will get it. Like a mini BAU. heehee.
  2. M

    Criminal Minds

    WHOA!! £1! Is it just me that finds that absoloutly mental!? What a bargain! Ah, seems complicated to me. I suppose we wouldn't want it to be too easy but if its too complicated abd the audience have no chance the enjoyments not there. Well, the i bet the die hards will somehow manage to do...
  3. M

    Criminal Minds

    Go you for buying the book! That's commitment! We already own that book, so not much point in me buying it..just got to fish it out of the depths of the loft! I'm really looking forward to this episode. I know i actually have a LOOOOONNG time to wait, but this is "just my cup of tea" :) From...
  4. M

    Criminal Minds

    I have only seen up to 1x07 The Fox (have i really only seen 7 eps?! I'm deprived!!) So, really you guy will be seeing the conclusion to this ep before i get to the finale! And from someone who hasn't seen the ep, it didn't seem like you gave anything away that i could understand Although i'm...
  5. M

    Criminal Minds

    Oh? What? Grave peril? ... Oh! I'm very much a spoiler person..*cough*
  6. M

    Criminal Minds

    *twitches* Hope. You. Enjoy. It. *twitches* I want info!! :) :) heehee
  7. M

    Something That Wasn't a Comedy But...

    Have any of you seen the Evil Dead Trilogy? Definatly a set of films that make me laugh. Apparently the first of the three is supposed to be serious, but you can't help laughing at it.
  8. M

    Criminal Minds

    I was GUTTED this Friday that CM had been moved back a week becuase of Most Haunted Live. I mean, i love MH but CRIMINAL MINDS?!?! *sigh*
  9. M

    Criminal Minds

    The more i think about the finale the more i like it! Oooh, excitment. Umm..just re-watched the episode with the DA's daughter missing..on one of the phonecalls i got really confused. Does Reid actually have a form of autism, or was it just playing up his social akwardness (such as they played...
  10. M

    Criminal Minds

    I've edited my last post to show the hoodie love. And they don't have all the episodes but is a best screencaps site i have found. It has the hoodie caps at least!
  11. M

    Criminal Minds

    I'm hunting around TRYING to find the person i need to credit for the hoody icon..then i shall post it! edit: I'm hunting around TRYING to find the person i need to credit for the hoody icon..then i shall post it! EDIT: Here it is .. the credit i have is Bunny Icons , i can't find the poster...
  12. M

    Criminal Minds

    Ha! I'll leave which half to the imagination! ;) About the two cases in an episode..i don't think i would personally enjoy that as much. For a one-off maybe, but i kind of think it would ruin part of what i love about CM. But..then i am strange because i actually like a lot of the sweater...
  13. M

    Criminal Minds

    *stares* His son may be the most horrific thing i've ever seen! HAHA!
  14. M

    Criminal Minds

    I'll be sitting reading through all of your amazing logic..or lack of. Muahaha. Although part of me expects them to throw us a COMPLETE curveball so we think we've figured it out, when really we're still be like "WOW! Even though its been a couple of months i DID NOT see that coming!" I'm...
  15. M

    Criminal Minds

    Ah, so now i just feel lame with no money to download episodes!! haha. That episode - it was such a good ending! I'll quiet happily be spreading's all i seem to talk about TV-wise now anyway!!
  16. M

    Criminal Minds

    This is actually beginning to be my favourite thread on these boards! I'm in the UK so we have just seen the ep with the families being killed before their vacations...but i can't wait for the rest of the series!! It will be interesting to see that finale..and see the viewers reaction to it...
  17. M


    The hover craft episode was also funny! Anything with them two competing. And the salsa prison break... haha. Oh, i'm getting all these hilarious images of episodes now!!
  18. M


    Mythbuster is the greatest!! One that really amused me was when the junior team tried to lift the little kids with balloons. Somehow the sight of 3000 balloons attatched to a child amused me. Fave ep, probably the one where they tried to do a 360 on the swing .. first one i saw and i fell in...
  19. M

    Crazy Caption Contest

    LOL. This thread always makes me chuckle. I could only think of a half decent one! Mac: Does that look like sweetcorn to you? Aiden: Please don't tell me that's not the tissue you just sneezed into. Danny: What the hell is that? Stella: Is that Mac....naked? Danny: Eeeew
  20. M

    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    The first idea that came into my head was maybe the character coming back will coincide with Tanglewood 2. Me, liking the drama side of TV A LOT(!), i think it would be great if Danny was in a load of trouble that episode, maybe injured/missing or unable to work, and Aiden comes back for that...