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  1. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    OK this is totally O/T, but what happened to the on the board part of YTDAW?! Ah! Alright something on topic.... I don't think they will have Sara die, because how would they go on with the season? We would either have super mopey depressing Grissom which isn't cool, or...
  2. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Alyssa, i'm pretty sure that I speak for every GSR dweeb here when I say, that you are a GSR Goddess!! OK, I have a question... this may be a stupid question, but how does one go about downloading clips from I can watch them, but I can't figure out how to download them.
  3. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Awesome post Alyssa!! *bows down* I am not worthy of all your GSR wiseness. Also, Welcome Back Eggy! Back to GSR, I think that when Grissom was saying "I don't know what to do about this." thats exactly what he meant. He really just didn't know what to do about their relationship. He was trying...
  4. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    I picked Season 7 because I love Romantic!Grissom. He's still flawed (obviously) but he's trying really hard for Sara and I think that's cute.
  5. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Hmm..."we will probably see Bruno again this season"??? Possibly in some more Domestic!GSR scenes? -stares dreamily into space as my food bursts into flame on the stove- OK, this post was so pointless. Go Team SO...GSR rules and whatnot.
  6. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    I got into the show because of the really cool cases, and I actually was obsessed with Catherine and Grissom at first (for like 2 weeks), before someone in my class brought up that Grissom was SO in love with Sara, and I just said....Sara? Really? And from that point on, I was looking for a...
  7. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Wait. I totally forgot TOYD and "You're Back!"... -slaps forehead-. I'm a terrible GSR fan...OK so my list goes... 1. Pin Me Down 2. TOYD Eye!Sex and... 3. "You make me happy." Ok. Thats it. For sure....hopefully. Someone will probably bring up another one that I forgot. Oh well.
  8. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    My favorite GSR scenes are definitley, 1. "Pin me Down"- I get shivers everytime I see that scene 2. "You make me Happy"- 'Cause it's adorable! 3. Leapin' Lizards Home Scene.- Domestic GeekLove. There are so many to choose from, but those are my top 3.
  9. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    That picture is so adorable. I can't get enough of that scene!! So domestic...who knew?
  10. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    I'm not sure I want to be spoiled as to whether or not Sara lives...(Although I'm sure she will...)I don't think that we will be spoiled as to if she lives or dies because I think they will keep that under wraps. But if it did leak I don't know, I think it might ruin the suspense for me if I...
  11. G

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    So, is September 20th the premier? Does anybody know for sure?
  12. G

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight ahh, it's been forever since i was on here! I just got my computer back, it crashed! Anyway, I just got a reply from David Rambo this morning! Here it is... Thanks for the lovely message....I share your feelings for the character of Sara...
  13. G

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Ah, Innertube isn't working for me... Is there any other website that the video is available on?
  14. G

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    I have the song Minature Disasters on my iPod!! I've never noticed before how well it fits the story, creepy... Oh, does anyone know where I can find the final four promo online? I don't have the patience to wait to see it on CBS! Thanks! Woo, GSR...
  15. G

    Name That Episode #2

    Ok, umm... Grissom: I'm not worried...I'm concerned. I know that one's really easy!
  16. G

    Name That Episode #2

    Correct!! Your turn
  17. G

    Name That Episode #2

    Greg: Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Swab one down, run it through CODIS, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. (Might have already been said, sorry if it has :D )
  18. G

    Name That Episode #2

    Pirates of the Third Reich?