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  1. D

    Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

    Whoa... little did I expect so many people replying and liking them fugly ties. :lol: Thanks for the input! Now all I have to do is work on scamming my bro into lending me his camera, and think of something to write to go with the picture. :D Thanks again, everyone! I'm off to the circus! :D
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    Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

    Are these Fugly enough? At the risk of making myself look completely stupid, and dying from utter embarrassment (did I spell that right? It's been such a long time since I've had the chance to type any word longer than 7 letters or so)... I need help trying to decide if my fashion taste is as...
  3. D

    Grade CSI: NY Season Three!

    A definite A! I would have made it an A+ but for a couple of things. I thought that the Danny/Lindsay thing didn't do much good for the series. Or at least, I felt that too much was being put into the Danny/Lindsay situation, thus losing quite a bit of the bad-boy Danny (whom we all know, love...
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    Come on ladies....Own up..

    I admit, I was screaming when I saw that scene (especially since it was right after this nice action packed sequence...). Thank goodness I was alone at home at that time, although my neighbours may have been wondering why there was someone screaming, "NO! OMG! Not the pool table! They did IT on...
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    Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

    Wow. I had no idea that fan projects could be so fun! :D I'm off to hunt for a tie and something that clashes with it. I just hope my fashion taste is disastrous enough for it to classify as "fugly"... :lol: